Institute of Hydro-Engineering
of Polish Academy of Sciences

Lesław Zabuski

Name: Lesław Zabuski
room: E14
phone: (+48)585222974
e-mail: c30e205ef58ba5b225c14597de104829a7afc1
ORCID: 0000-0003-0270-4477


cover Zabuski L., Thiel K., Iwańczak J.
Projektowanie i wykonanie automatycznych systemów kontroli zboczy na przykładzie zbocza osuwiskowego w Tresnej
publisher: Wydawnictwo IBW PAN
ISBN: 8385708022
published in: 1992
language: pl


Formation of water reservoirs in the mountain regions is a frequent reason of activation of old or development of new landslides on the embankment slopes. Such landslides are unfavourable and in some cases dangerous phenomena. Therefore their registration, observation and forecasting is the matter of the great importance. These activities are carried out using many different methods and means. The most simple is a general periodic inspection of the reservoir embankments. In some cases very sophisticated observations should be carried out, in which specialized measurement equipment is installed, which forms the monitoring system.

Such system, installed on the landslide slope in Tresna near Żywiec is described in the study. The slope is situated on the embankment of Żywieckie Lake – artificial reservoir formed in 1966 on Soła River after construction of Tresna Dam. There was an old landslide on the slope, which was reactivated due to reservoir filling. The monitoring system, named ASKOT was designed and installed on the slope in 1986-90.

The subject of the study is the description of the problems, which concern ASKOT installation. The problems presented can be divided into three groups. In the first group general considerations regarding the needs, objectives and methods of the slope monitoring are presented. ASKOT is a first system installed in Poland, thus such considerations are necessary. The second group contains the results of interdisciplinary investigations and measurements (e.g. geology, geotechnics, geophysics, displacement measurements, etc.), carried out before and during the installation of the system. The third group concerns the structure and construction of ASKOT.

The slope inclined at 14 degrees is formed of typical Carpathian flysch rocks – i.e. sequentially lying beds of sandstone and clay shale. The slides of the rock mass are observed at different depths in the shales. Slide surfaces were detected using different methods. The inclinometric measurements were recognized as most efficient and accurate, as they allow to find any slide surface which is contemporary active. It was stated that the main reasons, determining slide movement are the fluctuations of the underground water table (GWL) in the slope and changes the water level in the reservoir. These phenomena are strongly related with precipitations. These dependencies are discussed in the study.

ASKOT was designed and installed basing on the general principles, given in the first group. The results of the former investigations and measurements were also taken into account. It can be described as “cause-effect” system, i.e. the system, which records the quantities influencing the state of the slope (GWL, water level in the reservoir) and being the causes of its instability and the quantities which are the attribute (effect) of instability (slope deformations). The piezometric gauges were installed in the boreholes on the slope, to record the GWL, whereas the displacements were measured by fixed-in-place borehole inclinometers, located at the depths of the active slide surfaces. The limit values were determined, i.e. maximum admissible values for the quantities measured. It was assumed that the critical state of the slope is reached if the value of some quantity reaches or exceeds the limit value.

The gauges arranged on the slope are electrically connected with the measurement centre. The principal part of this centre is the measuring unit, automatically connected with the gauges in time of the measurement action. Both the gauges and the unit act on the principle of the vibrating wire. The remote control of the measurements is provided using microcomputer which is logically connected by the interface to the measurement unit, so the later “understands” the signals from the microcomputer and record the results as well as “translates” them into physical quantities. The ASKOT structure could be modified, e.g. by adding the new gauges or installing the alarm set, etc.

The study gives some contribution to the recognition of the landslide processes in the nearest vicinity of the water reservoirs as well as it gives some practical and theoretic aims, which possibly could help to install the systems allowing to monitor the state of the slopes.

cover Bober L., Zabuski L., Thiel K.
Zjawiska osuwiskowe w polskich Karpatach fliszowych, Geologiczno-inżynierskie właściwości wybranych osuwisk
publisher: Wydawnictwo IBW PAN
ISBN: 8385708235
published in: 1997
language: pl


The book is elaborated basing on the results of the realization of the Polish Scientific Committee research project “Investigations and analyses of the rock slopes stability in Carpathian flysch”. It contains the sets of geological-engineering data and informations for 37 selected landslides, situated in the region of Carpathians in Poland. The results of own investigations, as well as performed by the other authors are utilized. The main objective of the study is possibly in-depth and systematic presentation of morphology, geological structure, hydrogeological conditions of the landslide slopes, as well as the mechanisms and causes of the landslides initiation and progression. Thanks to its structure and scope the publication could be considered as a catalogue, in which the landslides are described in turn, divided into four groups. The criterion of this division is the orientation of the rock layers with respect to the terrain surface. The list of the landslides in each group is preceded by the schematic figures and concise definitions, explaining the terms, which constitute the criteria of this division. At the beginning of the publication, schematic map is presented with the location of each described landslide, as well as the explanations of signs and labels used on all landslide maps, cross-sections and excavations (e.g. shafts, boreholes) are given. The list of references is given at the end of the book, enabling the reader to find the original publications, creating the basis for preparation of the study.

cover Zabuski L., Thiel K., Bober L.
Osuwiska we fliszu Karpat polskich: geologia - modelowanie - obliczenia stateczności
publisher: Wydawnictwo IBW PAN
ISBN: 8385708332
published in: 1999
language: pl


The study contains the results of the comprehensive, interdisciplinary investigations of the landslide phenomena in Carpathian flysch. It is divided into two principal parts. The geological aspects of the slopes stability are described in the first part. It contains the description of the geological properties of the rock mass, especially important from the point of view of their influence on the slope stability. The problems connected with the systematisation of the mass movements and with the phenomena influencing the state of the slopes are analysed. The investigations history of the Carpathian landslides is shortly presented. The “landsliding” in flysch are next characterized (A. Kleczkowski defines this phenomenon as “repeated tendency to sliding, caused by the external conditions and connected with the internal causes”), with taking into account the geological structure of the massif. The “external conditions” act on the object from outside, whereas the “internal causes” are connected with geological structure of the rock mass composing the slope as well as with hydrogeological conditions and also with terrain morphology. The quantitative estimation of landslides appearance in different regions of Carpathians is proposed and geological classification of the slopes from the point of view of susceptibility to sliding is presented.

Mechanical properties of the flysch rock mass are characterized, the mechanical models are discussed and results of the stability calculations are presented in the second part of the study. The geological properties described in the first part are considered as an input data to the models discussed here. It should be mentioned that the example slopes analysed in this part are partially fictitious. The extensive list of references is included at the end of the study. The appendices are also enclosed. They contain the example data regarding the material losses caused by the landslides in Carpathians, listings of the mechanical parameters of the flysch rocks and rock masses, description of the original distinct element method, which was used in the stability analysis of the slope composed of discontinuous rock mass.

cover Zabuski L.
Zachowanie się fliszowego ośrodka skalnego w otoczeniu konstrukcji podziemnej na przykładzie tunelu na niedużej głębokości
publisher: Wydawnictwo IBW PAN
ISBN: 8385708480
published in: 2002
language: pl


The book gives the investigation results of the tunnel and surrounding flysch mass behaviour in the experimental object at Świnna Poręba, during the excavation of two hydrotechnical tunnels. The tunnels were excavated at a shallow depth –; from 0 to 55 m. “Shallow depth” means such depth of the tunnel for which the influence of superficial phenomena on the properties of the rock mass situated between tunnel and terrain surface is noticeable.

Investigation of the tunnel behaviour required the applying of interdisciplinary methods. Investigations of geological-engineering and mechanical properties of the rock mass and its description enabled the formulation of rock mass models. Simultaneous with excavation progress, systematic displacement measurements were carried out, their results constituting the basis for statistical analyses of the tunnel deformations. The results of the measurements enabled the formulation of rules governing deformation processes. A numerical analysis was carried out to determine the stress and deformation distribution and evaluate failure processes in the rock mass. Verification of these was possible on the basis of their comparison with the results of measurements. Calculation results show the processes observed inside the rock mass and thus explain the reasons for deformations observed in the tunnels.

The results could be considered to be a contribution to the description of the behaviour of flysch rock mass during shallow tunnel excavation. Special attention should be paid to the formulation of rock mass mechanical models, to determining dependencies allowing for displacement prediction, as wee as to the description of the phenomena associated with excavation ad initiated in front of the tunnel heading face. Methodological results should also be mentioned –; some conclusions constitute the basis for modelling procedure of rock mass for numerical simulation of excavation processes.

cover Zabuski L.
Mechanika skał w Polsce - wybrane zagadnienia
publisher: Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej
published in: 2004
language: pl


Selected problems are described in the study, which nowadays are the matter of rock mechanics investigations in Poland. It is composed of six chapters. The first contains introduction. Principal trends of the research are discussed in the second. The new materials used to the construction of tunnel linings and to the reinforcing of the rock foundations and slopes are described in chapter 3, whereas chapter 4 is devoted to the description of the geomechanical and numerical models, applied in the stability analyses and deformation processes of the rock masses and constructions founded in/on them. The monitoring procedures developed in tunnelling and landslide observations are presented in chapter 5. Chapter 6 contains the summary and the remarks regarding the future trends of the rock mechanics in Poland.

cover Zabuski L.
Mechanika procesów osuwiskowych - modelowanie, stateczność, stabilizowanie
publisher: Wydawnictwo IBW PAN
ISBN: 9788385708896
published in: 2022
language: pl

Summary: Despite numerous studies aimed at investigating various aspects of landslides, these phenomena have not received a comprehensive study, mainly in the field of engineering geology, discussing methods and results of geomechanical modelling of landslides taking into account the results of natural (geological) studies. In fact, the focus has been on single landslides taking into account geological or geological-engineering aspects. The monograph presented here considers rock and soil mechanics issues, discussing purely geological issues to a lesser extent. At the outset, the history of research on Carpathian landslides is briefly discussed and then — against the background of geological structure of the Carpathian flysch area — the characteristics of landslides are outlined, which A. Kleczkowski (1955) defines as „a recurrent tendency to landslides, caused by external conditions or internal causes”. External conditions are factors affecting the object from outside, while internal causes are usually a reaction to external factors (conditions). In addition, a description of the mechanical properties of the flysch medium, its geomechanical models and the results of slope stability calculations are presented. The geological properties here constitute the „input” information for geomechanical analyses. They include the results of analysis of stability and deformation processes of exemplary slopes — in part selected from the sites collected in the above-mentioned monograph, as well as model (fictitious) slopes. Much attention is paid to methods of monitoring the behaviour of landslide slopes, showing example solutions and measurement results. An extensive chapter deals with slope stabilisation methods. The inclusion of many examples of various types of analyses, studies and measurements is an important feature of the monograph. This is due to the author's belief that the best way to consolidate and understand certain studied and solved tasks is to illustrate them with an example. In spite of a certain subjectivity, the work includes important issues for the recognition of the title mechanics of landslide processes — their modelling, stability analyses, stabilisation and monitoring of landslides - which are relevant and even, as is likely, may dominate in the future. These include, for example:

  • numerical studies that are helpful in solving problems of slope stability and in the design of engineering structures, methods for reinforcing rock and soil mass (e.g. injection, bolting, anchoring),
  • development of methods and apparatus for monitoring landslide processes as well as stable slopes at risk
  • research and introduction into practice of new construction materials in stabilising landslide movements.
The above discussion concludes with the observation that, despite many years of experience, the author is not the „alpha and omega” in the field of landslides. The issues are multifaceted, covering many areas. Many aspects are not discussed because the author has not encountered them, dealt with them or is only generally familiar with them. This includes the latest measurement techniques — laser scanning or satellite photogrammetry. However, the author's research on landslides and slope stability analysis resulted in a wealth of experience and results that may be of interest to scientists and specialists dealing with these issues. To enrich the work — in addition to the results of his own research — the author presents selected results from domestic and foreign literature. The research was concentrated in the Flysch Carpathians, therefore the vast majority of the described and analysed sites are located in the Carpathians. Only in few cases the author discusses landslides located in other regions (e.g. Alps in Italy, Polish Lowlands). The author does not assume that the monograph will be read and studied holistically — from beginning to end. However, some of the problems discussed in individual chapters may selectively interest the reader and provide material for gaining knowledge or deepening it in selected issues. It is conceivable that one reader will be interested in slope classifications, while another reader will be interested in, for example, monitoring or methods of analysing slope stability or slope stabilisation. The work may be of interest to a wide range of geotechnical engineers and geologists, civil engineers, as well as specialists from other disciplines encountering slope stability problems in their work. It may also be useful for academics and students of various disciplines, students, engineers and field administration staff.


  1. Zabuski L., Friedrich R.: Nowe rozwiązania w budownictwie sztolni ciśnieniowych. Gospodarka Wodna, Nr 5, 1987, pp. 117-120
  2. Bestyński Z., Thiel K., Zabuski L.: Geotechniczne klasyfikacje masywów fliszowych. Rozprawy Hydrotechniczne, Nr 52, 1991, pp. 143-163
  3. Zabuski L., Friedrich R.: Zastosowanie linii odprężenia masywu skalnego do określenia obciążeń na obudowę tunelu. Prace Naukowe Instytutu Geotechniki Politechniki Wrocławskiej, nr 63, Seria: Konferencje nr 32, 1992, pp. 171-176
  4. Zabuski L.: O efektywności różnych metod określania powierzchni poślizgu osuwiska. Drogownictwo, T. 53, Nr 4, 1998, pp. 121-122
  5. Thiel K., Zabuski L.: Badania właściwości mechanicznych masywu skalnego. Działalność Naukowa PAN, Wybrane Zagadnienia, nr 9, 2000, pp. 121-122
  6. Zabuski L.: Wpływ niektórych błędów wykonania obudowy tunelu na jego zachowanie. Budownictwo Górnicze i Tunelowe, R. 7, nr 2, 2001, pp. 12-17
  7. Zabuski L., Wojtusiak A.: Numeryczna symulacja procesu drążenia tunelu drogowego. Budownictwo Górnicze i Tunelowe, R. 7, Nr 3, 2001, pp. 7-13
  8. Zabuski L.: Długookresowe zachowanie się tunelu w masywie fliszowym. Górnictwo i Geoinżynieria, Kwartalnik Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej, R. 27, Nr 3-4, 2003, pp. 641-647
  9. Zabuski L.: Zachowanie się fliszowego masywu skalnego w otoczeniu konstrukcji podziemnej na przykładzie tunelu na niedużej głębokości. Działalność Naukowa PAN, Wybrane Zagadnienia, nr 18, 2004, pp. 97-99
  10. Marcato G., Mantovani M., Pasuto A., Silvano S., Tagliavini F., Zabuski L., Zannoni A.: Site investigations and modelling at La Maina Landslides (Carnian Alps, Italy). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2006, pp. 33-39
  11. Marcato G., Fujisawa K., Mantovani M., Pasuto A., Silvano S., Tagliavini F., Zabuski L.: Evaluation of seismic effect on the landslide deposits of Monte Salta (Eastern Italian Alps) using distinct element method. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 6, 2007, pp. 695-701
  12. Krąpiec M., Rączkowski W., Danek M., Gil E., Kłusek M., Zabuski L.: Monitoring dendrogeomorfologiczny osuwisk w Beskidzie Niskim. Prace Komisji Paleogeografii Czwartorzędu Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności, T. 6, 2008, pp. 173-184
  13. Rączkowski W., Zabuski L.: Numeryczne modelowanie deformacji stoku osuwiskowego - Maślana Góra w Szymbarku k. Gorlic. Geologia, Kwartalnik Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej, Tom 34, z. 4, 2008, pp. 733-742
  14. Borgatti L., Corsini A., Marcato G., Sartini G., Truffelli G., Zabuski L.: Apprise the structural mitigation of landslide risk via numerical modelling: a case study from the northern Apennines (Italy). Georisk, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2008, pp. 141-160
  15. Zabuski L.: Stabilizowanie nasypów drogowych. Zeszyty Naukowo-Techniczne SITK Oddział w Krakowie, Monografie Konferencyjne Nr 88, Z. 144, Problematyka osuwisk w budownictwie komunikacyjnym, 2009, pp. 441-461
  16. Gil E., Zabuski L., Mrozek T.: Hydrometeorological conditions and their relation to landslide processes in the Polish Flysch Carpathians (an example of Szymbark area). Studia Geomorphologica Carpatho-Balcanica, Vol. 43, 2009, pp. 127-143
  17. Zabuski L., Wójcik A., Gil E., Mrozek T., Rączkowski W.: Landslide process in a flysch massif - case study of the Kawiory landslide, Beskid Niski Mts. (Carpathians, Poland). Geological Quarterly, Vol. 53, No. 3, 2009, pp. 317-332
  18. Zabuski L., Świdziński W., Kulczykowski M.: Identyfikacja i monitorowanie procesów osuwiskowych w dolinie Brdy w Koronowie koło Bydgoszczy. Inżynieria Morska i Geotechnika, R. 33, Nr 6, 2012, pp. 691-700
  19. Marcato G., Mantovani M., Pasuto A., Zabuski L., Borgatti L.: Monitoring, numerical modelling and hazard mitigation of the Moscardo landslide (Eastern Italian Alps). Engineering Geology, Vol. 128, 2012, pp. 95-107
  20. Zabuski L.: Analiza zachowania się sztolni hydrotechnicznych zapory w Świnnej Porębie. Geofizyka: Biuletyn Informacyjny, Nr 11/2013, 2013, pp. 105-113
  21. Zabuski L.: Ocena procesów osuwiskowych na podstawie wyników pomiarów inklinometrycznych. Przegląd Geologiczny, Tom 61, Nr 4, 2013, pp. 248-256
  22. Zabuski L., Marcato G.: Analiza procesów osuwiskowych zboczy przy uwzględnieniu nieciągłego charakteru masywu. Przegląd Geologiczny, Tom 62, Nr 6, 2014, pp. 308-316
  23. Zabuski L., Mrozek T., Świdziński W., Kulczykowski M., Laskowicz I.: Kompleksowe badanie osuwisk w dolinie Brdy w Koronowie k. Bydgoszczy. Przegląd Geologiczny, Tom 62, Nr 9, 2014, pp. 472-480
  24. Zabuski L.: Wspomnienie o prof. zw. dr. hab. inż. Kazimierzu Thielu (1924 - 2015). Inżynieria Morska i Geotechnika, R. 36, Nr 4, 2015, pp. 644-645
  25. Zabuski L., Świdziński W., Kulczykowski M., Mrozek B., Laskowicz I.: Monitoring of landslides in the Brda river valley in Koronowo (Polish Lowlands). Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 73, No. 12, 2015, pp. 8609-8619 , DOI: 10.1007/s12665-015-4025-3
  26. Bossi G., Zabuski L., Pasuto A., Marcato G.: Capabilities of continuous and discontinuous modelling of a complex, structurally controlled landslide. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Vol. 34, No. 5, 2016, pp. 1677-1686
  27. Mrozek T., Laskowicz I., Zabuski L., Kulczykowski M., Świdziński W.: Landslide susceptibility and risk assessment in non-mountainous region : a case study of Koronowo, northern Poland. Geological Quarterly, Vol. 60, No. 3, 2016, pp. 758-769
  28. Szmytkiewicz P., Zabuski L.: Analysis of dune erosion on the coast of south Baltic Sea with taking into account dune landslide processes. Archives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics, Vol. 64, No. 1, 2017, pp. 3-15 , DOI: 10.1515/heem-2017-0001
  29. Zabuski L., Bossi G., Marcato G.: Influence of the geometry alteration of the landslide slope on its stability: A case study in the Carnian Alps (Italy). Archives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics, Vol. 64, No. 2, 2017, pp. 101-114 , DOI: 10.1515/heem-2017-0007
  30. Zabuski L.: Analysis of Slope Creep in the Example of a Landslide Slope in Koronowo near Bydgoszcz. Archives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics, Vol. 65, No. 1, 2018, pp. 3-10 , DOI: 10.1515/heem-2018-0001
  31. Zabuski L.: The influence of slope geometry on its stability: spatial and plane analysis. Archives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics, Vol. 65, No. 4, 2018, pp. 243-254 , DOI: 10.1515/heem-2018-0015
  32. Zabuski L., Przewłócki J.: Analiza stateczności i stabilizacji zbocza osuwiskowego na trasie linii kolejowej w Świnnej Porębie.. Inżynieria Morska i Geotechnika, R. 40, Nr 3, 2019, pp. 136-142
  33. Zabuski L., Kulczykowski M., Świdziński W.: Identification of the Causes of a Landslide in Koronowo (Polish Lowlands). Archives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics, Vol. 66, No. 1-2, 2019, pp. 47-56 , DOI: 10.1515/heem-2019-0004
  34. Zabuski L.: Three-Dimensional Analysis of a Landslide Process on a Slope in Carpathian Flysch. Archives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics, Vol. 66, No. 1-2, 2019, pp. 27-45 , DOI: 10.1515/heem-2019-0003
  35. Zabuski L.: Construction of Pressure Tunnels. Archives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics, Vol. 66, No. 3-4, 2019, pp. 77-100 , DOI: 10.1515/heem-2019-0006
  36. Chudoba P., Przewłócki J., Samól P., Zabuski L.: Optimization of Stabilizing Systems in Protection of Cultural Heritage: The Case of the Historical Retaining Wall in the Wisłoujście Fortress. Sustainability, 12(20), 2020, pp. 8570-1-8570-16 , DOI: 10.3390/su12208570
  37. Winkelmann K., Zabuski L., Przewłócki J., Górski J.: Reliability-Based Stability Analysis of a Baltic Cliff by the Combined Response Surface Method. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 38, 2020, pp. 5549-5563 , DOI: 10.1007/s10706-020-01384-5
  38. Zabuski, Marcato G.: Analysis of potential landslide processes in the Passo della Morte (Carnian Alps, Italy). Geological Quarterly, Vol. 66, No. 3, 2020, pp. 681-691
  39. Zabuski L., Mierczyński J.: Distinct Element Simulation of a Landslide Process. Archives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics, Vol. 67, No. 1-4, 2020, pp. 3-16 , DOI: 10.1515/heem-2020-0001
  40. Zabuski L., Kulczykowski M.: Współczesne procesy osuwiskowe na klifie w Jastrzębiej Górze. Przegląd Geologiczny, Vol. 68, Nr 9, 2020, pp. 682-666 , DOI: 10.7306/2020.26

Articles in collective publications

  1. Thiel K., Zabuski L.: Rock mass investigations in hydroengineering. In: Comprehensive Rock Engineering. Principles, Practice and Projects. Ed. J. A. Hudson, Pergamon Press 1993, Vol. 3, pp. 839-861
  2. Thiel K., Zabuski L.: Rozdz. 6, 7. In: Właściwości fizyko-mechaniczne i modele masywów skalnych polskich Karpat fliszowych. Ed. Thiel K., Wydawnictwo IBW PAN 1995, Biblioteka Naukowa Hydrotechnika, Nr 19, pp. -
  3. Kulczykowski M., Zabuski L., Mrozek T., Laskowicz I., Świdziński W.: Stabilization of the landslide in the Brda River scarp at the abutment of the historical bridge of the narrow-gauge railway (Koronowo, Poland). In: Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 8. Springer 2015, Vol. 8, pp. 381-385
  4. Zabuski L., Przewłócki J.: Stability Analysis of a Road Scarp in the Carpathian Mountains and Methods of its Protection. In: 3rd World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering, Architecture, Urban Planning Symposium. 2019, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 471, Issue 4, pp. 1-9 , DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/471/4/042004
  5. Przewłócki J., Zabuski L., Winkelmann K.: Reliability Analysis of Sea Cliff Slope Stability by Point Estimate Method. In: 3rd World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering, Architecture, Urban Planning Symposium. 2019, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 471, Issue 4, pp. 1-9 , DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/471/4/042003

Conference papers

  1. Thiel K., Zabuski L.: Empirical failure criterion for a jointed anisotropic rock mass. In: Proc. VI. Int. Congress on Rock Mechanics. A.A. Balkema 1987, Vol. 2, pp. 563-568 , VI. Int. Congress on Rock Mechanics, 1987, Montreal
  2. Zabuski L.: Metody analizy stateczności tuneli. In: Materiały z VII Konferencji Zastosowanie Informatyki w Projektowaniu Budownictwa INFO-PRO 89. 1989, pp. 179-195 , VII Konferencja Zastosowanie Informatyki w Projektowaniu Budownictwa INFO-PRO 89, 1989, Kudowa Zdrój
  3. Egger P., Zabuski L.: Behaviour of rough bolted joints in direct shear tests. In: Proc. VII Int. Congress on Rock Mechanics. A.A. Balkema 1991, Vol. 2., pp. 1285-1289 , VII Int. Congress on Rock Mechanics, 1991, Aachen
  4. Thiel K., Zabuski L.: Determination of the shear strength parameters in the field tests and from back analysis of the slope stability. In: EUROCK 92 Int. Symp. ISRM on Rock Characterization. 1992, pp. 432-437 , EUROCK 92 Int. Symp. ISRM on Rock Characterization, 1992, Chester
  5. Bober L., Zabuski L.: Flysch slope classification from viewpoint of the landslide prediction. In: Proc. Int. Symp. Geotechnical Engineering of Hard Soils-Soft Rocks. A.A. Balkema 1993, Vol.2, pp. 1065-1072 , Int. Symp. Geotechnical Engineering of Hard Soils-Soft Rocks, 1993, Athens
  6. Thiel K., Zabuski L.: Procesy deformacji w czasie drążenia wyrobisk podziemnych we fliszu karpackim. In: Materiały XVII Zimowej Szkoły Mechaniki Górotworu. 1994, Prace Naukowe Instytutu Geotechniki i Hydrotechniki Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Nr 65, Seria: Konferencje nr 33, pp. 281-290 , XVII Zimowa Szkoła Mechaniki Górotworu, 14-18 marca 1994 r., Szklarska Poręba
  7. Zabuski L.: Analiza procesów deformacji zachodzących podczas drążenia tuneli. In: Materiały Konferencji Budownictwo Podziemne '94. AGH 1994, pp. 173-185 , Konferencja Budownictwo Podziemne '94, IX 1994,
  8. Thiel K., Zabuski L.: Wytrzymałość na ścinanie masywów skalnych fliszu karpackiego. In: Metody i interpretacje badań w geotechnice. Ed. Kaczmarek J., Łydżba D., Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej 1995, Prace Naukowe Instytutu Geotechniki i Hydrotechniki Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Nr 69, Konferencje Nr 36, pp. 329-336 , Metody i interpretacje badań w geotechnice, XVIII Zimowa Szkoła Mechaniki Górotworu, 13-18 marca 1995, Szklarska Poręba
  9. Zabuski L.: Odkształcalność podłoża wież hydrotechnicznych przy zaporze w Świnnej Porębie. In: Odkształcalność podłoża budowli hydrotechnicznych w polskich Karpatach fliszowych: materiały na seminarium Świnna Poręba, październik 1995. Ed. Thiel K., Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej 1995, pp. 48-60 , Odkształcalność podłoża budowli hydrotechnicznych w polskich Karpatach fliszowych, październik 1995, Świnna Poręba
  10. Thiel K., Zabuski L.: Geomechanical properties of clay-carbonate shales in Carpathian flysch rok masses, Example: Slope in Lipowica. In: Colloquium Mundanum Chalk and Shales Proceedings. BGMR 1995, pp. 2.1.74-2.1.80 , Colloquium Mundanum Chalk and Shales, March 20-22, 1995, Brussels
  11. Thiel K., Zabuski L.: Failure phenomena in large-scale direct sheart test. In: Proceedings of the 2ND North American Rok Mechanics Symposium: Narms`96 on Rock Mechanics Tools and Techniques, vol. 2. Ed. M. Aubertin, F. Hassani, H. Mitri, A.A. Balkema 1996, pp. 1977-1984 , A Regional Conference of ISRM Montreal, 19-21 June 1996, Quebec, Canada
  12. Thiel K., Zabuski L.: Deformations of the shallow tunnels in flysh rock mass. In: Environmental and Safety Concerns in Underground Construction, Proceedings of the 1st Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium: ARMS`97, A Regional Conference of ISRM, Vol. 1. Ed. Hi-Keun Lee, Hyungsik Yang, So-Keul Chung, A.A. Balkema 1997, pp. 239-244 , The 1st Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium: ARMS`97 A Regional Conference of ISRM, 13-15 October 1997, Seul/Korea
  13. Zabuski L., Thiel K., Ambrożewski Z.: Rock bolting as stabilization measure of abutment slides occurring during performance of hydrotechnical construction. In: Proceedings XIX Congres des Grands Barrages, Q. 75, R. 15. Commission Internationale des Grandes Barrages 1997, pp. 201-206 , XIX Congres des Grands Barrages, 1997, Florence
  14. Thiel K., Zabuski L.: Measurements and analysis of tunnel deformations. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Geomechanics/Ground Control in Mining and Underground Construction, Vol. 2. 1998, pp. 793-802 , International Conference on Geomechanics/Ground Control in Mining and Underground Construction, 1998, Wollongong, Australia
  15. Mazurek J., Zabuski L., Bestyński Z.: Metody i wyniki stabilizowania skarpy w rejonie wlotów do sztolni hydrotechnicznych. In: Seminarium Stabilizacja masywów skalnych w podłożu budowli hydrotechnicznych. Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej 1998, pp. 99-108 , Seminarium Stabilizacja masywów skalnych w podłożu budowli hydrotechnicznych, 1998, Świnna Poręba
  16. Zabuski L.: Stabilizowanie zboczy. In: Stabilizacja masywów skalnych w podłożu budowli hydrotechnicznych, Materiały na Seminarium. Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej 1998, pp. 28-37 , Seminarium Stabilizacja masywów skalnych w podłożu budowli hydrotechnicznych, 1998, Świnna Poręba
  17. Zabuski L.: Dylatometryczne badania właściwości deformacyjnych fliszowego masywu skalnego. In: Materiały Konferencji Naukowo-Technicznej ,,Geotechnika w górnictwie i budownictwie specjalnym''. AGH 1999, pp. - , Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna ,,Geotechnika w górnictwie i budownictwie specjalnym'', IX.1999, Kraków
  18. Zabuski L., Thiel K., Ambrożewski Z.: Kotwienie jako środek stabilizujący zsuwy zboczy zachodzące podczas wykonywania konstrukcji hydrotechnicznej. In: Polskie referaty zgłoszone na 19 Kongres Wielkich Zapór. Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej 2000, Materiały Badawcze, 11, pp. 29-32 , 19 Kongres Wielkich Zapór, ,
  19. Zabuski L., Thiel K.: Deformability of the rock foundation of hydrotechnical construction - dam site in Carpathian Flysch. In: Proceedings, XX International Congress Large Dams. 2000, pp. - , XX International Congress Large Dams, 2000, Beijing
  20. Zabuski L.: Wpływ niektórych błędów wykonywania obudowy tunelu na jego zachowanie. In: Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna Budownictwo Podziemne 2000. Uczelniane Wydawnictwo Naukowo Dydaktyczne 2000, pp. 632-641 , Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna Budownictwo Podziemne 2000, wrzesień 2000, Kraków
  21. Zabuski L.: Ogólne zasady i metody stabilizowania zboczy. In: Stabilizacja masywów skalnych w podłożu budowli hydrotechnicznych: materiały konferencyjne. Ed. Thiel K., Kledyński Z., Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej 2000, pp. 192-204 , Stabilizacja masywów skalnych w podłożu budowli hydrotechnicznych, 14 września 2000, Warszawa
  22. Zabuski L., Thiel K.: Influence of tunnel depth on its behaviour during construction. In: International Conference Tunnelling Asia. Central Board of Irrigation and Power 2000, pp. 260-268 , International Conference Tunnelling Asia, 26-29 September 2000, New Delhi
  23. Zabuski L.: Wpływ procedury wykonania zabiegów stabilizujących na stateczność podcinanego zbocza. In: Stabilizacja masywów skalnych w podłożu budowli hydrotechnicznych: materiały konferencyjne. Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej 2002, pp. 127-132 , Stabilizacja masywów skalnych w podłożu budowli hydrotechnicznych, 9-11 października 2002, Żywiec
  24. Zabuski L.: Stabilizowanie skarpy drogowej. In: Stabilizacja masywów skalnych w podłożu budowli hydrotechnicznych: materiały konferencyjne. Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej 2002, pp. 133-141 , Stabilizacja masywów skalnych w podłożu budowli hydrotechnicznych, 9-11 października 2002, Żywiec
  25. Mrozek T., Poli S., Sterlacchini S., Zabuski L.: Landslide susceptibility assessment. A case study from the Beskid Niski Mts., Carpathians, Poland. Polish Geological Institute 2004, Polish Geological Institute Special Papers, Vol. 15, pp. 13-18 , Risks Caused by the Geodynamic Phenomena in Europe, May 20-22 2004, Wysowa, Poland
  26. Zabuski L.: Prediction of the slope movements on the base of inclinometric measurements and numerical calculations. Polish Geological Institute 2004, Polish Geological Institute Special Papers, Vol. 15, pp. 29-37 , Risks Caused by the Geodynamic Phenomena in Europe, May 20-22 2004, Wysowa, Poland
  27. Zabuski L., Gil E., Bochenek W.: Interdependence between ground water level and displacement of the landslide slope. Polish Geological Institute 2004, Polish Geological Institute Special Papers, Vol. 15, pp. 39-41 , Risks Caused by the Geodynamic Phenomena in Europe, May 20-22 2004, Wysowa, Poland
  28. Zabuski L.: Stabilizowanie osuwiska (Przykład: zbocze "Falkowa" w Nowym Sączu). In: XIII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna, Eksploatacja Infrastruktury w sytuacjach kryzysowych, Referaty, Tom 2: Infrastruktura transportowa i budowle inżynierskie w sytuacjach kryzysowych. Bezpieczeństwo budynków i budowli. 2004, pp. 173-181 , XIII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna, Eksploatacja Infrastruktury w sytuacjach kryzysowych, 18-20 października 2004, Warszawa, Rynia
  29. Mrozek T., Wójcik A., Rączkowski W., Nescieruk P., Zimnal Z., Gil E., Bochenek W., Zabuski L.: Osuwiska okolic Szymbarku. Aplikacyjne aspekty projektu ,,Alarm''. In: VII Zjazd Geomorfologów Polskich: przewodnik do sesji terenowej ,,Wybrane problemy geomorfologii Karpat fliszowych''. Ed. Kotarba A., Krzemień K., Święchowicz J., IGiGP UJ 2005, pp. 62-68 , Wybrane problemy geomorfologii Karpat fliszowych. VII Zjazd Geomorfologów Polskich, 19-22.09.2005, Kraków
  30. Marcato G., Silvano S., Zabuski L.: Modellazione di ammassi rocciosi instabili con il metodo degli elementi distinti. AIGA 2006, Giornale di Geologia Applicata, Vol. 2, pp. 87-92 , 2 Congresso Nazionale AIGA, 15-17 febbraio 2006, Bari
  31. Zabuski L.: Numerical three-dimensional modelling of the landslide process in the Carpathian flysch. In: Proceedings of the conference Mass Movement Hazard in Various Environments. Ed. Graniczny M., Czarnogórska M., Jarmołowicz-Szulc K., Balabanis P., Polish Geological Institute 2006, Polish Geological Institute Special Papers, Vol. 20, pp. 114-118 , Mass Movement Hazard in Various Environments, 20-21 October 2005, Kraków
  32. Zabuski L.: Numerical modelling of the landslide process using discontinuous approach. In: Proceedings of the conference Mass Movement Hazard in Various Environments. Ed. Graniczny M., Czarnogórska M., Jarmołowicz-Szulc K., Balabanis P., Polish Geological Institute 2006, Polish Geological Institute Special Papers, Vol. 20, pp. 119-124 , Mass Movement Hazard in Various Environments, 20-21 October 2005, Kraków
  33. Rączkowski W., Wójcik A., Zabuski L.: Zintegrowane badania osuwiskowe w rejonie Szymbarku, Beskid Niski - na przykładzie projektu Alarm w 5 Programie Ramowym UE. In: Zintegrowany monitoring środowiska przyrodniczego: funkcjonowanie i monitoring geoekosystemów Polski w warunkach narastającej antropopresji. Ed. Krzysztofiak L., 2006, Biblioteka Monitoringu Środowiska, pp. 121-134 , XVI Sympozjum Zintegrowanego Monitoringu Środowiska Przyrodniczego, 15-17 września 2005, Wigry
  34. Zabuski L., Bochenek W., Gil E.: Współczesne quasi-ciągłe ruchy osuwiskowe w rejonie Szymbarku (Beskid Niski). In: Zintegrowany monitoring środowiska przyrodniczego: funkcjonowanie i monitoring geoekosystemów Polski w warunkach narastającej antropopresji. Ed. Krzysztofiak L., 2006, Biblioteka Monitoringu Środowiska, pp. 135-144 , XVI Sympozjum Zintegrowanego Monitoringu Środowiska Przyrodniczego, 15-17 września 2005, Wigry
  35. Marcato G., Borgatti L., Corsini A., Pasuto A., Silvano S., Zabuski L.: Numerical analysis of countermeasure work influence on earth slide stabilisation: a case study in South Tyrol (Italy). In: Conference Presentations, 1st North American Landslide Conference, Vail, Colorado. Ed. Schaefer V. R., Schuster R. L., Turner A. K., AEG 2007, AEG Special Publication, No. 23, pp. 1007-1015 , First North American Landslide Conference ''Landslides and Society: Integrated Science, Engineering, Management, and Mitigation'', 3-8 June 2007, Vail, Colorado
  36. Marcato G., Mantovani M., Pasuto A., Tagliavini F., Silvano S., Zabuski L.: Assessing the possible future development of the Tessina landslide using numerical modelling. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Landslide Processes: from Geomorphologic Mapping to Dynamic Modelling. Ed. Malet J.-P., Remaître A., Boogard T., CERG 2009, pp. 327-332 , Landslide Processes: from geomorphologic mapping to dynamic modelling, 6-7 February, 2009, Strasbourg
  37. Zabuski L.: Inklinometryczne pomiary przemieszczeń zbocza jako podstawa oceny mechanizmów osuwiskowych. In: Zintegrowany monitoring środowiska przyrodniczego: funkcjonowanie środowiska przyrodniczego w okresie przemian gospodarczych w Polsce. Ed. Bochenek W., Kijowska M., Mała Poligrafia WSD Redemptorystów 2009, Biblioteka Monitoringu Środowiska, pp. 322-328 , Sympozjum ,,Zintegrowany monitoring środowiska przyrodniczego: funkcjonowanie środowiska przyrodniczego w okresie przemian gospodarczych w Polsce'', 2008, Szymbark
  38. Zabuski L., Marcato G.: Behaviour of a tunnel excavated in jointed rock mass. In: Geologically Active: Proceedings of the 11th IAEG Congress. Ed. Williams A. L., Pinches G. M., Chin C. Y., McMorran T. J., Massey C. I., CRC Press 2010, pp. 3927-3934 , Geologically Active: 11th IAEG Congress, 5-10 September 2010, Auckland
  39. Zabuski L., Świdziński W., Kulczykowski M.: Osuwisko w nasypie przy przyczółku mostu kolejki wąskotorowej w Koronowie k. Bydgoszczy. In: Materiały Konferencji Naukowo-Technicznej ,,Awarie Budowlane''. Ed. Flaga K., 2013, pp. 451-458 , Awarie Budowlane, 21-24 maja 2013, Międzyzdroje
  40. Laskowicz I., Mrozek T., Zabuski L.: Ryzyko osuwiskowe - implikacje dla zagospodarowania przestrzennego i stabilizowania indywidualnych obiektów (na przykładzie Koronowa k. Bydgoszczy). In: Ogólnopolska Konferencja O!SUWISKO: Materiały konferencyjne. Ed. Kalinowska A., Zawada P., Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy 2015, pp. 42-43 , Ogólnopolska Konferencja O!SUWISKO, 19-22 maja 2015, Wieliczka
  41. Zabuski L., Bossi G., Marcato G.: Assessing the stability of a complex landslide through geotechnical modelling - a case study in the Carnian Alps(Italy). In: Challenges in Geotechnical Engineering: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference. Ed. Boyko I., Greinert A., Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (KNUCA) 2017, pp. 100-101 , 2nd International Conference "Challenges in Geotechnical Engineering" CGE-2017, 20-23 November 2017, Kyiv
  42. Zabuski L., Świdziński W.: Stability analysis of the Baltic cliff landslide. In: Challenges in Geotechnical Engineering: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference. Ed. Boyko I., Greinert A., Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (KNUCA) 2017, pp. 98-99 , 2nd International Conference "Challenges in Geotechnical Engineering" CGE-2017, 20-23 November 2017, Kyiv


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