Objectives of the project
Partners, subcontractors, end-users
Vistula Lagoon
Results of the study and publications

Vistula Lagoon Workshop - Dec. 15th - 16th , 2003, Gdansk
Mantra East home page - Lake Peipsi study
Mid-term Review Meeting
Consortium Meeting in Dublin, August 16-17, 2003

The EC Water Framework Directive (WFD) takes into account not only rivers and lakes but also estuarine and coastal waters therefore the MANTRA-East project has been extended by adding an estuarine drainage basin located also at Eastern European fringe. This will contribute to a wider geographical approach of the project in which a water basin of different hydrological characteristics (influenced by sea waters) will also be analyzed. Since the Vistula Lagoon is directly connected with the Baltic Sea, it may be a subject of interest to other Baltic Sea countries. The lagoon is subjected to point and non-point sources of nutrient loads so only integrated management would provide successful solutions. The extended part of the project will focus on analysis of existing monitoring systems, long term changes in water quality and biota, and will use modeling tools for assessment of ecological status and forecasts. The participation of end-users from both countries will assure proper dissemination of additional project results.