Institute of Hydro-Engineering
of Polish Academy of Sciences

Archives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics

AHEM CoverArchives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics cover the broad area of disciplines related to hydro-engineering, including: hydrodynamics and hydraulics of inlands and sea waters, hydrology, hydroelasticity, ground-water hydraulics, water contamination, coastal engineering, geotechnical engineering, geomechanics, structural mechanics, etc.

The main objective of Archives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics is to provide an up-to-date reference to the engineers and scientists engaged in the applications of mechanics to the analysis of various phenomena appearing in the natural environment, due to human activities as well as to the problems connected with the influence of the Nature on human-made structures and objects. Such problems have usually been studied using applied mathematics and mechanics tools. Theoretical, experimental and practice-oriented papers on various topics, such as those mentioned at the beginning, are welcomed. Papers are selected for publication through a peer review process based on their significance and originality. AHEM is opened to all scientists and engineers from Poland and abroad. Full versions of the publications since 1994 are available from the articles data base.

Editorial Staff

Editor-in-Chief: Assoc. Prof. Ryszard Staroszczyk
Prof. Eugeniusz Dembicki, Gdańsk, Poland
Prof. Michele Jamiolkowski, Torino, Italy
Prof. Yafei Jia, Oxford, Mississipi, USA
Prof. Józef Kubik, Bydgoszcz, Poland
Prof. Janusz Kubrak, Warszawa, Poland
Prof. Wojciech Majewski, Gdańsk, Poland
Prof. Marek Mitosek, Warszawa, Poland
Prof. Paweł Rowiński, Warsaw, Poland
Prof. Augustin Sanchez-Arcilla, Barcelona, Spain
Prof. Fumio Tatsuoka, Ph.D., Tokio, Japan
Prof. Romuald Szymkiewicz, Gdańsk, Poland
Secretary: Ms Anna Wasilewska
Institute of Hydro-Engineering IBW PAN
Kościerska 7, 80-328 Gdańsk-Oliwa, Poland

Instruction for authors

Submission of Manuscripts

Submission of a manuscript for publication in AHEM implies that the paper is original and has neither been published nor is being submitted for publication elsewhere. Before submitting the manuscript, its author(s) should make sure that permission for publication, if required, has been obtained from appropriate sources, and all co-authors have approved the paper for publication in AHEM. Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editorial Office in an electronic form, be sending the text by e-mail (, preferably in the PDF format. On acceptance of the paper for publication, the authors will be asked to provide all necessary files containing the main text in either TeX/LaTeX or MS Word formats, together with separate files containing all figures.

Style of Manuscript

The language of the Journal is English. The text should be typed in 12 pt font size, with double spacing and 25 mm margins on all sides. The length of the paper should not exceed an equivalent of 10 000 words, or approximately 30 printed pages, including all figures, tables and references. The following points should be observed:

  1. The title of the paper should be as brief as possible. If the title length exceeds 60 characters, a shortened version for running heads should be proposed. The title should be followed by full name(s) of all author(s), together with their affiliations and postal and e-mail addresses. In case of several authors, the corresponding author should be indicated.
  2. The main text should be preceded by an abstract of no more than 300 words, followed by a list of three to five key words. Inclusion of a list of symbols used in the paper is highly advisable. The text should be divided into numbered and titled sections and, if needed, numbered subsections and sub-subsections.
  3. Equations should be numbered sequentially by single Arabic numerals in parentheses, right justified.
  4. References in the text should be cited by using the name(s) of author(s), followed by the year of publication in parentheses, e.g. Smith (2006) or (James et al 1998, Taylor 2001). The list of references at the end of the manuscript should be arranged in alphabetical order by first author's surname. Items in the list should include the surname and the initial(s) of the first name(s) of each author, followed by the year of publication given in parentheses, the full title of the paper (in the original language of the paper and its English translation), the title of the journal with its volume and issue numbers, and the first and the last page numbers. Examples:
    • Adams I. J., Mitchell R., Jones M. N. (2001) Title of the paper, Title of the Journal, 32 (3), 651–672.
    • Davis B. (1998) Title of the Book, vol. 2, Publisher, Place of Publication.
    • Smith W. B. (2006) Title of the paper in a collection, In: Johansson A. F. (ed.), Title of the Collection, Publisher, Place of Publication, 205–209.
  5. Figures and tables should be numbered consecutively by Arabic numerals and referred to in the text as Fig. 1, or Table 1, respectively. The provided figures should be original drawings or printouts, no photocopies will be accepted. Preferably, all figures should be supplied in separate electronic files in formats EPS, PS, PDF, PNG, TIF, BMP or CDR. Photographs should be supplied as either JPEG compression files or good quality enlargement prints. The photographs should be named Figures and referred to in the text as Fig. 2, etc. The lists of all figure and table captions should be supplied on separate pages.
  6. SI units should be used throughout the manuscript.

Manuscripts should be submitted by mail to: Editorial Office AHEM, Kościerska 7, 80-328 Gdańsk, POLAND
or by e-mail:


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   (+48)58-552-3903, fax (+48)58-552-4211

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