Institute of Hydro-Engineering
of Polish Academy of Sciences

Messages from category "archiwalne"

fotografia Wijciecha RobakiewiczaZ wielkim smutkiem i wciąż niedowierzaniem informujemy, że 17.01.2024 r. odszedł nasz Kolega dr inż. Benedykt Hedzielski. Był On związany z naszym Instytutem przez całe swoje życie zawodowe, łącznie przepracował w IBW PAN prawie 40 lat. Jego pasje naukowe były związane z rozwiązywaniem trudnych zagadnień dynamiki budowli hydrotechnicznych w kontakcie z falowaniem morskim. Wymagało to głębokiej wiedzy teoretycznej i inżynierskiej, znajomości metod obliczeniowych oraz umiejętności przeprowadzania badań laboratoryjnych. Szczególnie te ostatnie były prawdziwym żywiołem naszego Kolegi — przez ostatnich kilkadziesiąt lat nie było żadnego eksperymentu zrealizowanego w kanale falowym IBW bez istotnego w nim udziału Benedykta.

Dr inż. Benedykt Hedzielski był najwyższej klasy fachowcem w swojej dziedzinie, niezwykle wszechstronnym, pomysłowym, bardzo skrupulatnym i sumiennym w swojej pracy. Straciliśmy w Nim nieocenionego Kolegę i Przyjaciela, pogodnego i dobrego Człowieka, którego będzie nam bardzo brakowało.

fotografia Wijciecha RobakiewiczaZ głębokim smutkiem informujemy, że dnia 11.01.2024 Instytut Budownictwa Wodnego PAN stracił wybitnego naukowca doc. dra inż. Wojciecha Robakiewicza.

Był On nie tylko doskonałym specjalistą w swojej dziedzinie, ale również niezastąpionymi członkiem naszej naukowej społeczności. W tych chwilach bólu, smutku i zadumy nasze myśli są z rodziną zmarłego.

The Institute of Civil Engineering had the honour of hosting students from the Hochschule Wismar (University of Applied Sciences, Technology, Business and Design) for a scientific seminar, which was also an opportunity to visit our laboratories. The group of students, supervised by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bärbel Koppe, had the opportunity to learn more about our work and research infrastructure. The photos are made available with the kind permission of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bärbel Koppe.

IBW PAN visit to National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU) on 1st – 8th Oct. 2023

The delegation of IBW PAN included:

  • Prof. Waldemar Świdziński, Director of IBW PAN
  • Dr. Piotr Szmytkiewicz, Deputy Director of IBW PAN
  • Prof. Rafał Ostrowski, Head of Dept. Coastal Engineering and Dynamics of IBW PAN
  • Prof. Grzegorz Różyński, Head of Polish – Taiwanese program for scientific exchange visits between the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan
  • Prof. Wojciech Sulisz, Head of Dept. Wave Mechanica and Structural Dynamics of IBW PAN

The visit was a consequence of the visit of the Taiwanese delegation from NTOU that took place in March 2023. The key aim was the celebration of 70th anniversary of establishment of NTOU and participation in 45th Conference on Ocean Engineering. It was held on 5th and 6th Oct. 2023 in Keelung city and hosted ca. 400 delegates including the guests from USA, Singapore, India, Norway and Poland. Prof. Świdziński was invited to deliver a keynote lecture on Poland’s challenges related to the planned construction of a network of offshore wind farms and the scientific support offered by IBW PAN in design of safe foundations during implementation of such large investments. The lecture (co-authored with Dr. Szmytkiewicz) was titled: Offshore wind farms – a big challenge for Polish green energy, lessons learnt so far). The visit of Prof. Różyński and Dr. Szmytkiewicz was held within the framework of the program of scientific exchange visits, determined by the call organized jointly by the Office of Foreign Exchange of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan. The topic of the current exchange is research of seabed scours developing near foundations of wind turbine towers. In this context Prof. Różyński gave a presentation titled Hydrodynamic processes in remote foreshore of the non-tidal sea, jointly prepared with Prof. Ostrowski. Prof. W. Sulisz gave a presentation titled Analysis of the efficiency of 3D wave energy converter.

Pictures from the Conference are available at NTOU website through the following links:,r1479.php?Lang=en

The visit also included direct talks with the management of NTOU (Prof. Tai-Wen Hsu – President of NTOU, Prof. Chia-Cheng Tsai and Prof. Chia-Ling Wang) on 3rd and 4th Oct. 2023. Further collaboration between NTOU and IBW PAN was discussed, including both continuation of the scientific exchange program as well as close bilateral cooperation. Keeping in mind the so far results (both Institutions have been cooperating for 15 years now) it was emphasized that further collaboration still has high potential of substantial development. The so far achieved joint publications, which are the most tangible added values of past projects were highlighted in particular. More information regarding our visit to National Taiwan Ocean University can be found on the university webpage under following link:,r1479.php?Lang=en

Researchers from Department of Wave Mechanics and Structural Dynamics participated in 10th edition of international SCACR 2023 conference (Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research), which was held on 4th – 6th September in Istanbul (Turkey). Dr. Barbara Stachurska delivered a speech entitled “Experimental research on behaviour of plastic debris of negative buoyancy in oscillating water flow”, Barbara Stachurska plan ogólny Barabara Stachurska zbliżenie while dr. hab. Maciej Paprota presented a talk on “Mechanically generated linear water waves propagating over topography”. Maciej Paprota plan ogólny Maciej Paprota zbliżenie

We are pleased to announce that starting from January 1, 2024, we, along with 12 partners from Germany, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Belgium and Norway, will be undertaking a four-year project titled 'Integrated Designs for Future Floating Offshore Wind Farm Technology' (acronym: INF4INiTY). The project has secured funding under the HORIZON-CL5-2023-D3-01-05 program. It will be led by Prof. Krystyna Kazimierowicz-Frankowska from IBW PAN.

The project will be implemented in accordance with Gender Equality Plan.

Z przyjemnością informujemy, że Prezydent RP Andrzej Duda postanowieniem z dnia 29 maja 2023 r. nadał tytuł profesora nauk inżynieryjno-technicznych w dyscyplinie inżynieria lądowa i transport naszemu koledze dr hab. inż. Grzegorzowi Różyńskiemu.

Serdecznie gratulujemy i życzymy kolejnych sukcesów w pracy naukowej i zawodowej!

We are pleased to announce that Andrzej Duda, the President of the Republic of Poland, by his order of 29 May 2023, has conferred on our colleague Dr Ryszard Staroszczyk the title of professor in the field of engineering and technology, in the discipline of civil engineering and transport.

We congratulate Prof. Staroszczyk on this achievement and wish him further successes in his scientific and professional work!

Prezentacja sprzętu pomiarowe

W dniu 30 maja mieliśmy przyjemność uczestniczyć w konferencji zamykającej projekt „Ochrona brzegów morskich w rejonie Półwyspu Helskiego”.

Podczas wydarzenia nasi pracownicy zaprezentowali sprzęt pomiarowy, który był wykorzystywany podczas prowadzenia monitoringu w okolicy Półwyspu Helskiego. Zgromadzone dane pomiarowe oraz wyniki modelowania numerycznego będą wkrótce dostępne na specjalnie przygotowanym do tego portalu internetowym.

Dziękujemy wszystkim partnerom i instytucjom, z którymi współpracowaliśmy podczas trwania projektu. Nabyliśmy wiele doświadczenia i jesteśmy gotowi na kolejne wyzwania.

Autorem wszystkich zdjęć jest Cezary Spigarski, zdjęcia pochodzą z portalu

Pełne sprawozdanie z wydarzenia znajduje się na portalu

On 23-26.05.2023 the XL edition of the School of Hydraulics was held, this time in the form of an international conference (International School of Hydraulics 2023). The event was organised by the Institute of Hydro-Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

The School of Hydraulics has a long tradition dating back to 1981. Over the years, the event has been held regularly, with the exception of 2020 and 2021, when the organisation of meetings was suspended due to the epidemiological situation. For the first 25 years, the School was organised by the Institute of Hydro-Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences, under the supervision of its founding father, Prof. Dr. Wojciech Majewski. In 2003 it was decided to internationalise the school by organising an international school every two years. Since then, the National School of Hydraulics has been run by the Hugo Kołłątaj Agricultural University in Cracow, and the International School of Hydraulics by the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

The school is under the umbrella of the Water Management Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the International Association for Water Research and Engineering.

The Jubilee School was attended by 5 lecturers and 75 participants.

As every year, we thank all the guests, organisers and participants for this wonderful and creative time. It was an unforgettable time full of knowledge, inspiring talks and sharing of experiences. We are happy to have been part of this important international conference. We look forward to the next edition of the Hydraulics School!


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