Institute of Hydro-Engineering
of Polish Academy of Sciences

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Prezentacja sprzętu pomiarowe

W dniu 30 maja mieliśmy przyjemność uczestniczyć w konferencji zamykającej projekt „Ochrona brzegów morskich w rejonie Półwyspu Helskiego”.

Podczas wydarzenia nasi pracownicy zaprezentowali sprzęt pomiarowy, który był wykorzystywany podczas prowadzenia monitoringu w okolicy Półwyspu Helskiego. Zgromadzone dane pomiarowe oraz wyniki modelowania numerycznego będą wkrótce dostępne na specjalnie przygotowanym do tego portalu internetowym.

Dziękujemy wszystkim partnerom i instytucjom, z którymi współpracowaliśmy podczas trwania projektu. Nabyliśmy wiele doświadczenia i jesteśmy gotowi na kolejne wyzwania.

Autorem wszystkich zdjęć jest Cezary Spigarski, zdjęcia pochodzą z portalu

Pełne sprawozdanie z wydarzenia znajduje się na portalu

On 23-26.05.2023 the XL edition of the School of Hydraulics was held, this time in the form of an international conference (International School of Hydraulics 2023). The event was organised by the Institute of Hydro-Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

The School of Hydraulics has a long tradition dating back to 1981. Over the years, the event has been held regularly, with the exception of 2020 and 2021, when the organisation of meetings was suspended due to the epidemiological situation. For the first 25 years, the School was organised by the Institute of Hydro-Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences, under the supervision of its founding father, Prof. Dr. Wojciech Majewski. In 2003 it was decided to internationalise the school by organising an international school every two years. Since then, the National School of Hydraulics has been run by the Hugo Kołłątaj Agricultural University in Cracow, and the International School of Hydraulics by the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

The school is under the umbrella of the Water Management Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the International Association for Water Research and Engineering.

The Jubilee School was attended by 5 lecturers and 75 participants.

As every year, we thank all the guests, organisers and participants for this wonderful and creative time. It was an unforgettable time full of knowledge, inspiring talks and sharing of experiences. We are happy to have been part of this important international conference. We look forward to the next edition of the Hydraulics School!

W dniach od 2 do 5 marca 2023 roku, w ramach projektu PAN/MOST pt. "Numeryczna analiza wybojów w dnie morskim przy fundamentach turbin morskich farm wiatrowych", mieliśmy zaszczyt gościć w Instytucie Budownictwa Wodnego Polskiej Akademii Nauk profesora Tai-Wena Hsu, Rektora National Taiwan Ocean University oraz profesora Chun-I Wu.

Podczas wizyty profesor Hsu przedstawił referat na temat rozwoju farm wiatrowych w Cieśnienie Tajwańskiej i zarysował możliwość dalszej współpracy w badaniach wybojów (ang. scour) powstających w bliskim sąsiedztwie fundamentów morskich turbin wiatrowych.

Uscisk dłoni po podpisaniu porozumienia

Uczestnicy porozumienia

Uczestnicy porozumienia

Zwiedzanie lagoratorium hudraulicznego

Wykład profesora Tai-Wena Hsu, zbliżenie na prelegenta

Wykład profesora Tai-Wena Hsu, plan ogówlny

Na mocy umowy pomiędzy Dyrektorem Urzędu Morskiego w Gdyni a Instytutem Budownictwa Wodnego PAN wykonywany jest monitoring i modelowanie matematyczne procesów hydrodynamicznych i litodynamicznych w sąsiedztwie Półwyspu Helskiego. Pomiary prowadzone są w reprezentatywnych lokalizacjach wokół Półwyspu Helskiego, modelowanie prądów i ruchu osadów w strefie brzegowej - dla odmorskiej strony i rejonu cypla Półwyspu, zaś modelowanie głębokowodnych procesów hydrodynamicznych - dla całego Bałtyku. Prowadzone prace pozwolą na określenie erozyjnego zagrożenia brzegów Półwyspu Helskiego. Ostatecznym efektem projektu będzie opracowanie nowej strategii ochrony brzegów w kontekście obserwowanych zmian klimatu i narastającej antropopresji. Rejestrowane dane pomiarowe i wyniki modelowania numerycznego udostępniane są w trybie on-line na stronie

On 9 and 10 May 2022, at the Institute of Hydro-Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences, a meeting of members of an international consortium implementing the project entitled "Numerical modeling of liquefaction around marine structures" (acronym NuLIMAS) was held. The project is funded under the ERA-NET MarTERA 2019 program and will be implemented from 1 September 2020 to 31 August 2023. The aim of the work is to experimentally recognize and theoretically describe the phenomena occurring immediately before, during and after the liquefaction of soil. The project consortium consist of the following institutions:

  • Technische Universität Braunschweig,
  • Großmann Ingenieur Consult (GICON),
  • WIKKI Gesellschaft für numerische Kontinuumsmechanik mbH R&D,
  • BM SUMER Consultancy & Research R&D,
  • PROJMORS Biuro Projektów Budownictwa Morskiego sp. z o.o.,
  • IBW PAN.

On the first day of the meeting, representatives of project partners discussed the current state of the design work. They also had the opportunity to get acquainted with the research equipment used at the IBW PAN and took part in experiments carried out in the Geotechnical Laboratory, Wave Flume and Hydraulic Laboratory.

Presentation of the results of soil tests carried out in the Geotechnical Laboratory and model tests performed in the Wave Flume Photo 1. Presentation of the results of soil tests carried out in the Geotechnical Laboratory and model tests performed in the Wave Flume.

Consortium members during the IBW PAN laboratories tour Photo 2. Consortium members during the IBW PAN laboratories tour.

Experiment in the Geotechnical Laboratory Photo 3. Experiment in the Geotechnical Laboratory.

Visiting the Hydraulic Laboratory of IBW PAN Photo 4. Visiting the Hydraulic Laboratory of IBW PAN.

During the second day of the meeting, a technical trip was organized to the site of the investment related to the Vistula Spit Channel. The members of the consortium got acquainted with the technological solutions used during the implementation of this key hydrotechnical investment. They also had the opportunity to talk to representatives of NDI and a designer from PROJMORS, who answered questions related to the solutions used in the area of the lock, shipping channel, breakwaters and artificial island. The last part of the trip was a cruise to an artificial island built on the Vistula Lagoon.

We hope that during the two days of the project meeting we were able to combine elements of theoretical, experimental and field research in the field of hydrotechnics. Our guests’ opinions about the meeting can be found at:

Consortium members during the technical tour Photo 5. Consortium members during the technical tour.

Visiting the investment site at the Vistula Spit Channel Photo 6. Visiting the investment site at the Vistula Spit Channel.

Visiting the investment site at the Vistula Spit Channel Photo 7. Visiting the investment site at the Vistula Spit Channel.

Excursion to an artificial island on the Vistula Lagoon Photo 8. Excursion to an artificial island on the Vistula Lagoon.

In cooperation with the scientists from the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Dr. Łukasz Przyborowski and Dr. Anna Maria Łoboda), in April and May this year, a pilot study entitled "Experiments on macroplastic storage in rivers with spur dikes", was carried out. The guests, interested in the possibilities of the Hydraulic Laboratory, made a series of measurements together with the employees from our institute. The aim of this study was to determine how macroplastic particles behave under flow conditions through a zone with spurs with and without the presence of river vegetation. Additional elements in the form of spur extension and plant stands were built for the task.

transport osadów stałych - pomiar falowania

The measurements were carried out thanks to the agreement on research cooperation signed last year between the Institute of Geophysics PAS and the Institute of Hydro-engineering PAS, and will serve as a pilot  study for the planned joint project for the National Science Center call. The performed measurements and their future continuation promise unique results, which will contribute to better understanding of the transport of solid waste in rivers and thus, their monitoring and removal.

transport osadów stałych - swobodny dryft odpadów


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