Instytut Budownictwa Wodnego
Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Essay #5265 details

database id5265
seriesArchives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics
issueVol. 41, No. 1-2
publisherWydawnictwo IBW PAN
attributes[published] [reviewed] [scientific] [international reach]


database id5319
titleStochastic FEM in soil mechanics. Part II. Aspects of application
authorsRóżyński G., Knabe W.
pages101 — 110
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  1. Institute of Hydro-Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Kościerska 7, 80-953 Gdańsk, Poland
abstractsThe paper is devoted to some aspects of the Monte Carlo technique in stochastic FEM for soil mechanics. Sample size, "total cutting" in covariance matrix, problems of symmetry, grouping of elements and the comparison between "point" and local average discretization are analyzed.
attributes[reviewed] [scientific]
database id5264
titleElasto-plastic interpretation of oedometric test
authorsSawicki A.
pages111 — 131
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  1. Institute of Hydro-Engineering. Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Kościerska 7, 80-953 Gdańsk, Poland
abstractsThe paper deals with a new interpretation of oedometric tests that is based on the elasto-plastic approach including such phenomena as compaction and dilation. The analysis starts with a presentation of empirical results obtained from oedometric tests performed on sands with additional measurement of lateral stresses. Three types of sand response were identified during a single cycle of loading and subsequent unloading. During the loading, both reversible and irreversible strains develop in the soil sample. During the unloading one can distinguish two phases. The first one is characterized by a purely elastic response. A characteristic feature of this phase is that the sand deformation takes place in the vertical direction only. The horizontal elastic strain remains constant during the first phase of unloading, and is opposite to the permanent horizontal strain that has developed during the loading (the total lateral strain is zero in oedometric conditions). It is shown that the reversible response of the sand sample obeys the Hooke's linear law for practically important stress levels. The second stage of unloading is characterized by elastic and irreversible (dilation) responses. During that phase the stress deviator remains constant and only the mean pressure is reduced. The second stage of unloading begins when the Failure in Extension Line is attained in the stress space. Elastic constants are determined from the analysis of the first phase of unloading, which is different from the methods of determination of elastic moduli commonly accepted in soil mechanics. A respective discussion on this problem is also presented. The assumption concerning a linear reversible response allows for the extraction of irreversible strains from experimental data. Subsequently the law of compaction is proposed in order to describe irreversible strains developed during the loading. The phenomena of dilation during the second phase of unloading and the "compaction induced lateral stresses" are also discussed in the light of the approach proposed in this paper. Some useful practical formulae enabling a simple analysis of oedometric tests are derived. The general conclusion which follows from the considerations presented in this paper is that the classical oedometric test, with additional measurement of lateral stresses, is a powerful experimental method in soil mechanics investigations.
attributes[reviewed] [scientific]
database id3147
titleAnnual variation of longshore sediment transport in a dissipative, multi-bar nearshore zone
authorsPruszak Z.
pages133 — 149
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  1. Institute of Hydro-Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Kościerska 7, 80-953 Gdańsk, Poland
abstractsNumerous measurements imply that longshore sediment transport varies in temporal scales of not only seconds, minutes or even hours, but also days and months, up to years. Such situations stimulate one to analyse and estimate the rate and variability of longshore sediment transport in meso- and long-term time scales.The present analysis evaluates the annual longshore sediment transport in the multibar surf zone. On the basis of field investigations and some assumptions, a simple relationship for the global daily longshore sediment transport as a function of mean wave height was derived. The mean wave height (H) input can be estimated either by computations from daily wind parameters and cross-shore profile shape or directly by measurements.The accuracy of estimation or prediction of daily longshore sediment transport by the proposed method depends on the degree of stationarity of wind field. Given rates and distributions of longshore sediment transport correspond to definite hydrologic-morphodynamic conditions of the coastal zone. The latter encompass the dominance of oblique approach of waves to the shore, multiple breaking of waves, a multi-bar, mildly sloped (β ≈ 1.5%) shore and grain characteristics (D50 ≈ 0.022 cm, (ρs ≈ 2.65 g/cm3) etc.The intensity of sediment movement resulting from the applied procedure can, in some cases, be underestimated with respect to the total real sediment transport rate. This results from the use of empirical relationships derived on the basis of tracer measurements of sediment movement. The bedload is mainly taken into account in such methods.
attributes[reviewed] [scientific]
database id5227
titleRandom water wave kinematics. Part 1. Theory
authorsWitold Cieślikiewicz, Ove T. Gudmestad
pages3 — 35
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  1. Institute of Hydro-Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Kościerska 7, 80-953 Gdańsk, Poland
  2. Statoil, Stavanger, Norway
abstractsIn this work measured wave flume kinematics data are compared with the non-linear theory of random waves, which is presented in Part 1 of this paper (Cieślikiewicz, Gudmestad 1994). Conformity of theory and the experiment is excellent. The only difference between predictions and measurements was found in the mean value of the horizontal velocity. It is suggested in this study, that the existence of the return flow in a confined wave flume explains the deviation. The theoretical results of Part 1 are therefore used for better estimation of that return current.
attributes[reviewed] [scientific]
database id5253
titleRandom water wave kinematics. Part 2. Experiment
authorsWitold Cieślikiewicz, Ove T. Gudmestad
pages37 — 85
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  1. Institute of Hydro-Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Kościerska 7, 80-953 Gdańsk, Poland
  2. Statoil, Stavanger, Norway
abstractsThis paper presents the theoretical development of stochastic properties for orbital velocities of random water waves in intermediate water depth. Both emergence effect and weak nonlinear effects are studied. An analytic formula for probability distribution for velocities modified by the emergence effect, as well as by non-linearities of the wave motion in intermediate water depth is developed. This probability function gives us the first statistical moment, the second statistical moment for modified velocities in an analytical form, and by numerical integration the third statistical moment for modified velocities.The theoretical formulae for the statistical moments for surface elevation and for velocities of up to the third order, with non-linearities of motion taken into account, in case the emergence effect can be neglected, i.e., below the surface layer, have been developed. This includes a generalised formula for free surface elevation setdown and calculation of the asymmetry of the horizontal velocity.From the first statistical moment of the modified horizontal velocity, the mean flux between any two levels is obtained. When the integration is carried out from the bottom up to +∞, the formula for total mean flux is obtained.In Part 2 of this paper (Cieślikiewicz, Gudmestad 1994b) the theoretical predictions are compared with measured kinematics. Moreover, in the vicinity of the mean water level, currents in two different directions are noted. Firstly, the emergence effect gives rise to a current at the mean water level in the direction of the wave advance. Secondly, a flow in the opposite direction, interpreted as a return current in the wave flume, is noticed just below that level.Theoretical prediction of the measured kinematics has allowed for a better estimation of the return flow in the wave flume.
attributes[reviewed] [scientific]
database id5317
titleStochastic FEM in soil mechanics. Part I. Discretization of random fields
authorsRóżyński G., Knabe W.
pages87 — 99
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  1. Institute of Hydro-Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Kościerska 7, 80-953 Gdańsk, Poland
abstractsThe paper is devoted to discretization of continuous random fields in stochastic FEM used in soil mechanics. General formulas were derived to obtain variances and covariances of random field rectangular local averages. A numerical routine and approximation formulas to compute these parameters for analytically unintegrable random field covariance functions are described. Approximation of the variance of non-rectangular local averages is also depicted.
attributes[reviewed] [scientific]


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