Instytut Budownictwa Wodnego
Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Małgorzata Bielecka

Imię i nazwisko: Małgorzata Bielecka
pokój: A11
tel.: (+48)585222911
e-mail: c245215fe5a7a9b339d0649092005c29e7f1cae79f82c8c3
ORCID: 0000-0003-4911-5071



  1. Bielecka-Kieloch M.: Stany wody w jeziorze Łebsko oraz przepływy w kanale Łeby w ekstremalnych warunkach wiatrowych. Inżynieria Morska, R. 13, Nr 5, 1992, str. 201-207
  2. Jasińska E., Bielecka-Kieloch M.: SCREMO - model rozprzestrzeniania zanieczyszczeń w strefie przybrzeżnej. Inżynieria Morska i Geotechnika, R. 15, Nr 3, 1994, str. 108-112
  3. Bielecka-Kieloch M.: Numerical diffusion and dispersion tensors for 2-D linear advection equation. Archives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics, Vol. 45, No. 1-4, 1998, str. 29-43
  4. Bielecka M.: Numerical solution of 2-D advection equation using the modified finite element method and directional splitting technique. Archives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics, Vol. 49, No. 4, 2002, str. 3-15
  5. Staśkiewicz A., Bielecka M., Lewandowski A.: Prediction of hydrodynamic parameters for the Vistula Lagoon. Environmental Research, Engineering and Management, Nr 1 (31), 2005, str. 5-13
  6. Bielecka M., Różyński G.: Management conflicts in the Vistula Lagoon area. Ocean and Coastal Management, Vol. 101, Part A, 2014, str. 24-34
  7. Hesse C., Krysanova V., Stefanova A., Bielecka M., Domnin D.: Assessment of climate change impacts on water quantity and quality of the multi-river Vistula Lagoon catchment. Hydrological Sciences Journal, Vol. 60, No. 5, 2015, str. 890-911
  8. Dolbeth M., Stalnacke P., Alves F. L., Sousa L. P., Gooch G. D., Khokhlov V., Tuchkovenko Y., Lloret J., Bielecka M., Różyński G., Soares J. A., Baggett S., Margoński P., Chubarenko B., Lillebø A. I.: An integrated Pan-European perspective on coastal Lagoons management through a mosaic-DPSIR approach. Scientific Reports, 6, 2016, str. - , DOI: 10.1038/srep19400
  9. Lillebø A. I., Somma F., Bielecka M., Margoński P., Matczak M., Przedrzymirska J., Różyński G., Zaucha J.: Assessment of marine ecosystem services indicators: experiences and lessons learned from 14 European case studies. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, July 2016 - Early View, 2016, str. - , DOI: 10.1002/ieam.1782
  10. Lillebø A. I., Stalnacke P., Gooch G. D., Krysanova V., Bielecka M.: Pan-European management of coastal lagoons: A science-policy-stakeholder interface perspective. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Volume 198, Part B, 2017, str. 648-656 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2016.03.008
  11. Schumacher J., Schernewski G., Bielecka M., Loizides M., Loizidou X.: Methodologies to support coastal management - A stakeholder preference and planning tool and its application. Marine Policy, 94, 2018, str. 150-157 , DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2018.05.017
  12. Svenja K., Nazzari C., Bâlon C., Bielecka M., Grigaitis Ž., Schumacher J., Stybela N., Razinkovas-Baziukase A.: Floating wetlands for nutrient removal in eutrophicated coastal lagoons: Decision support for site selection and permit process. Marine Policy, 97, 2018, str. 51-60 , DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2018.08.030
  13. Różyński G., Bielecka M., Schönhofer J.: Podejście systemowe w zintegrowany w zarządzaniu obszarami przybrzeżnymi – studium przypadku: Zalew Wiślany. Inżynieria Morska i Geotechnika, R. 39, Nr 3, 2018, str. 136-147
  14. Różyński G., Bielecka M., Schönhofer J.: System Approach Framework Case Study Vistula lagoon. Coastal & Marine, Vol. 27 no. 1, 2018, str. 8-9
  15. Różyński G., Bielecka M., Schönhofer J.: Application of Systems Approach Framework (SAF) to the Vistula Lagoon case in Poland. Ocean and Coastal Management, Volume 168, 2019, str. 90-102 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2018.11.002

Publikacje w opracowaniach zbiorowych

  1. Shibaev S. V., Bielecka M.: Water monitoring database as a tool for transboundary cooperation for management of water resources. W: Transboundary waters and basins in the South-East Baltic. Red. Chubarenko B., Terra Baltica 2008, str. 215-224
  2. Gooch G. D., Lillebø A. I., Stalnacke P., Alves F. L., Bielecka M., Krysanova V.: Chellenges in the policy - environment - modelling management context. W: Coastal lagoons in Europe: integrated water resource strategies. Red. Lillebø A. I., Stalnacke P., Gooch G. D., IWA Publishing 2015, str. 1-9
  3. Bielecka M., Tuchkovenko Y., Lloret J., Lillebø A. I., Dias J. M., Robakiewicz M., Zalewski M., Krysanova V., Chubarenko B., Stalnacke P.: The challenges to improve integrated lagoon modelling in the context of climate change. W: Coastal lagoons in Europe: integrated water resource strategies. Red. Lillebø A. I., Stalnacke P., Gooch G. D., IWA Publishing 2015, str. 107-114
  4. Hesse C., Bielecka M., Stefanova A., Robakiewicz M., Staroszczyk R., Zalewski M., Khokhlov V., Tuchkovenko Y., Lloret J., Lencart e Silva J. D., Dias J. M., Lillebø A. I., Chubarenko B., Krysanova V.: Impacts of potential climate change on lagoons and their catchments. W: Coastal lagoons in Europe: integrated water resource strategies. Red. Lillebø A. I., Stalnacke P., Gooch G. D., IWA Publishing 2015, str. 115-132
  5. Bielecka M., Robakiewicz M., Zalewski M., Khokhlov V., Tuchkovenko Y., Lloret J., Lencart e Silva J. D., Dias J. M., Lillebø A. I., Chubarenko B., Staroszczyk R.: Lagoons impact integrated scenarios: part 3. W: Coastal lagoons in Europe: integrated water resource strategies. Red. Lillebø A. I., Stalnacke P., Gooch G. D., IWA Publishing 2015, str. 155-166
  6. Lillebø A. I., Spray C., Alves F. L., Stalnacke P., Soares J. A., Sousa L. P., Sousa A. I., Khokhlov V., Tuchkovenko Y., Marin A., Loret J., Bielecka M., Różyński G., Margoński P., Chubarenko B.: European coastal lagoons: integrated vision for ecosystem services, environmental SWOT analysis and human well-being. W: Coastal lagoons in Europe: integrated water resource strategies. Red. Lillebø A. I., Stalnacke P., Gooch G. D., IWA Publishing 2015, str. 187-201
  7. Dolbeth M., Lillebø A. I., Stalnacke P., Gooch G. D., Sousa L. P., Alves F. L., Soares J. A., Bello C., Marin A., Khokhlov V., Tuchkovenko Y., Bielecka M., Różyński G., Reda A., Chubarenko B.: The DPSIR framework applied to the society vision for tourism in 2030 in European coastal lagoons. W: Coastal lagoons in Europe: integrated water resource strategies. Red. Lillebø A. I., Stalnacke P., Gooch G. D., IWA Publishing 2015, str. 203-211
  8. Różyński G., Bielecka M., Margoński P., Szymanek L., Chubarenko B., Esiukova E., Domnin D., Domnina A., Pilipchuk V.: The physico-geographical story of Vistula Lagoon. W: Coastal lagoons in Europe: integrated water resource strategies. Red. Lillebø A. I., Stalnacke P., Gooch G. D., IWA Publishing 2015, str. 57-66
  9. Różyński G., Bielecka M., Margoński P., Psuty I., Szymanek L., Chubarenko B., Domnina A., Kolosentseva M., Tararuk O., Przedrzymirska J., Zaucha J.: The management story of Vistula Lagoon. W: Coastal lagoons in Europe: integrated water resource strategies. Red. Lillebø A. I., Stalnacke P., Gooch G. D., IWA Publishing 2015, str. 67-76

Publikacje w materiałach konferencyjnych

  1. Bielecka-Kieloch M.: Modelowanie rozprzestrzeniania się zanieczyszczeń w strefie brzegowej (plaże). W: Materiały XII Ogólnopolskiej Szkoły Hydrauliki: współczesne problemy hydrauliki wód śródlądowych. Red. Majewski W., Wydawnictwo IBW PAN 1992, str. 83-88 , XII Ogólnopolska Szkoła Hydrauliki: współczesne problemy hydrauliki wód śródlądowych, 21-25 września 1992, Międzyzdroje
  2. Bielecka-Kieloch M., Robakiewicz M.: Bacteria pollution in the Polish coastal zone. W: Proc. Conf. Water pollution II, Modelling, Measuring and Prediction. 1993, str. 161-168 , Conf. Water pollution II, Modelling, Measuring and Prediction, 1993, Milano, Italy
  3. Gils J. van, Robakiewicz W., Robakiewicz M., Bielecka-Kieloch M.: A water quality model to support water management for the Bay of Gdańsk. W: Proc. Conf. Water pollution II, Modelling, Measuring and Prediction. 1993, str. 191-198 , Conf. Water pollution II, Modelling, Measuring and Prediction, 1993, Milano, Italy
  4. Szymkiewicz R., Bielecka-Kieloch M.: Tensor lepkości numerycznej dla dwuwymiarowego równania adwekcji. W: XV Ogólnopolska Szkoła Hydrauliki, Współczesne Problemy Hydrauliki Wód Śródlądowych, Materiały Szkoły. Red. Majewski W., Wydawnictwo IBW PAN 1995, str. 219-225 , XV Ogólnopolska Szkoła Hydrauliki, Współczesne Problemy Hydrauliki Wód Śródlądowych, 18-22 września 1995, Wrocław, Trzebieszowice
  5. Jasińska E., Bielecka-Kieloch M.: Modelowanie rozprzestrzeniania się zanieczyszczeń w strefie przybrzeżnej. W: Modelowanie ekosystemu Zatoki Gdańskiej: materiały konferencyjne. Red. Szymelfenig M., Uniwersytet Gdański 1997, str. 183-192 , Modelowanie ekosystemu Zatoki Gdańskiej, 3.06.1997, Gdańsk
  6. Bielecka M.: Wpływ doboru parametrów numerycznych na wielkość dyfuzji i dyspersji numerycznej w przypadku rozwiązania 2D liniowego równania transportu. W: XXI Ogólnopolska Szkoła Hydrauliki, Współczesne problemy hydrauliki wód śródlądowych, Materiały szkoły. Red. Majewski W., Wydawnictwo IBW PAN 2001, str. 49-54 , XXI Ogólnopolska Szkoła Hydrauliki, Współczesne Problemy Hydrauliki Wód Śródlądowych, 17-21 września 2001, Sasino
  7. Bielecka M., Margoński P., Lewandowski A.: Implementation of WFD within transboundary basin of the Vistula Lagoon - extension of the EU MANTRA-East project. W: Inland waters: research, engineering and management. Proceedings of the XXX IAHR Congress. Red. Nezu I., Kotsovinos N. E., IAHR 2003, Theme C, Vol. 2, str. 711-715 , The XXX IAHR Congress, Water Engineering and Research in a Learning Society: Modern Developments and Traditional Concepts, 24-29 August 2003, Thessaloniki
  8. Bielecka M., Kaźmierski J.: A 3D mathematical model of Vistula Lagoon hydrodynamics - General assumptions and results of preliminary calculations. W: Proceedings of the 7th International Specialised Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Basin Managements and 36th Scientific Meeting of the Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA). Red. M. Bruen, University College 2003, str. 6.140-6.145 , The 7th International Specialised Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Basin Managements and 36th Scientific Meeting of the Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA), 17th-22nd August 2003,
  9. Bielecka M., Lewandowski A., Staśkiewicz A.: Integrated approach to environmental impact assessment of transboundary waters of the Vistula Lagoon. W: Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries - Engineering the Coastal Environment. Permanent Secretariat of COPEDEC 2003, str. 178.1-178.7 , Sixth International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries - Engineering the Coastal Environment, 15-19 September 2003, Colombo, Sri Lanka
  10. Bielecka M., Lewandowski A.: Transboundary cooperation experiences in the Vistula Lagoon Basin gained during Mantra-East Research Project. W: CD-ROM: Conference on Integrated Water Management of Transboundary Catchments, A Contribution from TRANSCAT. 2004, str. - , Conference on Integrated Water Management of Transboundary Catchments, A Contribution from TRANSCAT, 24-26 March 2004, Palazzo Zorzi, Venice, Italy
  11. Sulisz W., Paprota M., Bielecka M.: Application of a scientifically-driven approach for the management of coastal erosion along the Hel Peninsula. W: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics. ISE 2009 Organizing Committee 2009, str. - , Science and Information Technologies for Sustainable Management of Aquatic Ecosystems. 7th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, 12-16 January 2009, Concepción, Chile
  12. Lillebø A. I., Stalnacke P., Bielecka M., Chubarenko B., Margoński P., Gooch G. D., Khokhlov V., Krysanova V., Marin A.: LAGOONS project - Integrated water resources and coastal zone management in European lagoons in the context of climate change. W: Proceedings of the TWAM2013 International Conference & Workshops. Red. Roebeling P., Rocha J., University of Aveiro 2013, str. - , TWAM2013 International Conference & Workshops, 16-29 March 2013, Aveiro - Portugal
  13. Baggett S., Gooch G. D., Hendry S., Bielecka M., Katerusha O., Bello Marin C., Sousa L. P.: Using participatory methods for coastal lagoon management and climate change. W: Proceedings of the TWAM2013 International Conference & Workshops. Red. Roebeling P., Rocha J., University of Aveiro 2013, str. - , TWAM2013 International Conference & Workshops, 16-29 March 2013, Aveiro - Portugal
  14. Hesse C., Stefanova A., Domnin D., Bielecka M., Krysanova V.: Modelling of the transboundary Vistula Lagoon catchment for climate and land use impact assessment. W: Proceedings of the TWAM2013 International Conference & Workshops. Red. Roebeling P., Rocha J., University of Aveiro 2013, str. - , TWAM2013 International Conference & Workshops, 16-29 March 2013, Aveiro - Portugal
  15. Różyński G., Bielecka M., Margoński P.: Transboundary water management in the Vistula Lagoon - regulations, problems and conflicts. W: Proceedings of the TWAM2013 International Conference & Workshops. Red. Roebeling P., Rocha J., University of Aveiro 2013, str. - , TWAM2013 International Conference & Workshops, 16-29 March 2013, Aveiro - Portugal


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