Institute of Hydro-Engineering
of Polish Academy of Sciences

Małgorzata Robakiewicz

Name: Małgorzata Robakiewicz
room: A45
phone: (+48)585222945
e-mail: c20a3159e28ba5b225c14597de104829a7afc1
ORCID: 0000-0002-9936-3527


  • Mathematical modelling of hydrodynamic conditions
  • Hydrodynamics for ecological modelling


  • Gdańsk Bay Water Quality - stages I, II, III. - 1992-1995 - project finansed by Dutch Government (PSO)
  • VVV - Hue Pilot Study - 1995 - project finansed by Dutch Government
  • Spreading of water from WWTP Gdańsk Wschód in the Gulf of Gdańsk discharged by a pipeline
  • Modelling hydrodynamic conditions in the Admiralty Bay region, King George Island Antarctica
  • Modelling hydrodynamic conditions in the Gulf of Gdańsk and Vistula Estuary regions
  • Modelling hydrodynamic conditions in the Świna Strait
  • Modelling hydro- and lithodynamics in the Lower Vistula river
  • Problem of river regulation by groins
  • Spreading of water from WWTP Dębogórze in the Puck Bay discharged by a pipeline
  • Spreading of brine in the Puck Bay


  • 19th Conference of Baltic Oceanographers, Sopot, Poland, 1994
  • ECSA-24, Aveiro, Portugalia, 1994
  • BALTEX - First Study Conference, Sweden, 1995
  • ECSA-26 and ERF 96 Symposium, the Netherlands, 1996
  • BALTEX - Second Study Conference, Germany, 1998
  • Hydroinformatics'98, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1998
  • 24th General Assembly EGS, the Netherlands, 1999
  • 3rd International Symposium on Functioning of Coastal Ecosystems in Various Geographical Regions,Gdańsk, Poland, 2001
  • ECSA-34, Sopot-Gdańsk, Poland, 2002
  • 5th International Conference on Hydro-Science and –Engineering, Warsaw, Poland, 2002
  • ELOISE-European Conference on Coastal Zone Research, Gdańsk, Poland, 2003
  • 6th International Conference on Hydro-Science and –Engineering, Brisbane, Australia, 2004
  • ICCE’ 2004, Lisbon, Portugal
  • River Flow 2008, Cesme, Turkey


cover E. Jasińska, M. Robakiewicz, A. Walter
Porozumienie 1994-2003. Jakość wód Zatoki Gdańskiej. Streszczenia referatów prezentowanych na spotkaniu Porozumienia 21 października 2003
publisher: Wydawnictwo IBW PAN
ISBN: 8385708553
published in: 2003
language: pl


cover Robakiewicz M.
Wybrane problemy matematycznego modelowania hydrodynamiki Zatoki Gdańskiej
publisher: Wydawnictwo IBW PAN
ISBN: 8385708634
published in: 2004
language: pl

Summary: In this book, some chosen problems in modelling hydrodynamics in the area where water motion is induced by randomly varying forcing, are presented. Using the Gulf of Gdańsk, a part of the Baltic Sea from which the analysed area it is limited by the open boundaries, the consequences and difficulties in numerical modelling of such areas, are presented. Mathematical modelling, enables representation of water dynamics in regions of different characters and under various hydro-meteorological conditions. Application of model results is especially requested in all those situations where observations are scarce, not precise enough, or require very high costs to carry out them. Only after confirmation of the requested accuracy of results, is it possible to apply such data in engineering practise. In this book, is discussed not only the availability of in situ data, but also problems related to model calibration and verification. It is shown that using simple statistical measures it is possible to compare field data with model results not only qualitatively, but also quantitatively. Using the proposed criteria it is possible to estimate the accuracy of representing field data by the model, and as a consequence, estimate model applicability for the forecast purposes.

cover Majewski W., Robakiewicz M.
Sediment Transport in Rivers and Transitional Waters: Book of Abstracts [CD - full texts]
publisher: Wydawnictwo IBW PAN
ISBN: 8385708669
published in: 2005
language: en

Summary: Książka zawiera streszczenia refertów wygłoszonych na seminarium poświęconemu transportowi osadów w rzekach i innych zbiornikach wodnych.


  1. Graniczny M., Kowalski Z., Piątkowska A., Robakiewicz M., Zachowicz J.: Monitoring Zatoki Gdańskiej za pomocą metod teledetekcyjnych oraz modelowania hydrodynamicznego. Przegląd Geologiczny, Tom 43, Nr 6, 1995, pp. 465-472
  2. Robakiewicz M., Świeczkowski S.: Analiza ruchu plamy substancji ropopochodnej na południowym Bałtyku. Inżynieria Morska i Geotechnika, Vol. 17, nr 2, 1996, pp. 163-166
  3. Matciak M., Nowacki J., Robakiewicz M.: Hydrological and hydrodynamic processes in marine part of Vistula Estuary - in situ measurements versus mathematical modelling. Oceanological Studies, Vol. 26, No 4, 1997, pp. 161-174
  4. Robakiewicz M.: Hydrodynamic conditions in the Bay of Gdańsk during Polrodex`96 experiment in comparison with numerical model. Oceanological Studies, Vol. 26, nr 4, 1997, pp. 145-159
  5. Robakiewicz M.: Time variability of water flow, temperature and salinity - comparison of experiment`s results with HIROMB model forecast. Bulletin of the Maritime Institute in Gdańsk, Vol. XXIV, No. 1, 1997, pp. 23-34
  6. Robakiewicz M., Walkowiak A.: Rozpływ wód Wisły w Zatoce Gdańskiej w okresie przechodzenia fali powodziowej (19-21.07.97). Inżynieria Morska i Geotechnika, Vol. 19, Nr 2, 1998, pp. 77-79
  7. Robakiewicz M., Jasińska E.: Hydrodynamics of the Vistula Estuary - measurements and modelling. Oceanological Studies, Vol. 27, No. 3, 1998, pp. 83-93
  8. Robakiewicz M., Stanisław Rakusa-Suszczewski: Application of 3D circulation model of Admirality Bay, South Shetland King George Island, Antarctica. Polish Polar Research, Vol. 20, No 1, 1999, pp. 43-58
  9. Robakiewicz M.: Assesment of the temporal variability of hydro-physical parameters in the HIROMB model. Bulletin of the Maritime Institute in Gdańsk, Vol. XXVI, Nr 1, 1999, pp. 57-68
  10. Robakiewicz M.: Influence of the wastewater treatment plant Gdańsk-East on the coastal zone of the Gulf of Gdańsk - hydrodynamic aspects. Oceanological Studies, Vol. 29, nr 4, 2000, pp. 99-110
  11. Jasińska E., Robakiewicz M., Staśkiewicz A.: Environmental modelling in the Polish zone of the Baltic Sea - an overview of Polish achievements. Oceanologia, Vol. 45, No. 1, 2003, pp. 107-120
  12. Jasińska E., Robakiewicz M.: Wybór optymalnej lokalizacji zrzutu ścieków z Oczyszczalni Gdańsk-Wschód. Inżynieria Morska i Geotechnika, R. 25, nr 5, 2004, pp. -
  13. Ostrowski R., Robakiewicz M.: Zagrożenia i koncepcja umocnienia zachodniej skarpy falochronu wschodniego w Świnoujściu. Inżynieria Morska i Geotechnika, R. 26, Nr 2, 2005, pp. 59-65
  14. Robakiewicz M., Szmytkiewicz M.: Modernizacja systemu zrzutu ścieków z GOŚ Dębogórze do Zatoki Puckiej - analiza techniczna. Inżynieria Morska i Geotechnika, R. 27, Nr 6, 2006, pp. 329-336
  15. Robakiewicz M.: Seasonal variability of hydrodynamics in the Vistula Estuary in 1994. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, Vol. 36, No. 4, 2007, pp. 23-46
  16. Robakiewicz M.: Rozprzestrzenianie się solanki odprowadzanej do Zatoki Puckiej. Inżynieria Morska i Geotechnika, R. 30, Nr 4, 2009, pp. 250-261
  17. Robakiewicz M., Robakiewicz W.: Rozprzestrzenianie się solanki w wodach Zatoki Puckiej. Przegląd Geologiczny, Tom 57, Nr 9, 2009, pp. 777-778
  18. Robakiewicz M.: Modelowanie rozprzestrzeniania się solanki w wodach morskich na przykładzie Zatoki Puckiej. Przegląd Geologiczny, Tom 57, Nr 9, 2009, pp. 778-779
  19. Robakiewicz M.: Visula River Mouth - history and recent problems. Archives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics, Vol. 57, No. 2, 2010, pp. 155-166
  20. Robakiewicz M.: Rozprzestrzenianie się solanki w wodach Zatoki Puckiej w okresie rozruchu instalacji zrzutowej. Inżynieria Morska i Geotechnika, R. 33, Nr 2, 2012, pp. 93-101
  21. Robakiewicz M.: Salinity changes in the Bay of Puck due to brine discharge based on in-situ measurements. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, Vol. 43, No. 2, 2014, pp. 191-199
  22. Robakiewicz M.: Mixing of brine waste in the Puck Bay (south Baltic Sea) in light of in-situ measurements. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, Vol. 45, No. 1, 2016, pp. 42-54
  23. Robakiewicz M.: Modele fizyczne w projektowaniu obiektów hydrotechnicznych. Gospodarka Wodna, R. 2020, Nr 12, 2020, pp. 9-12
  24. Robakiewicz M.: Badania wsparciem dla budownictwa wodnego. Academia, Magazyn Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Tom 62, Nr 2, 2020, pp. 54-57

Articles in collective publications

  1. Van der Vat M. P., Robakiewicz M.: The effect of pollutants from the Vistula river on the water quality of the Bay of Gdańsk. In: International River Quality. Ed. Best G. A., Bogacka T., Niemirycz E., E & FN Spon 1997, pp. 81-88
  2. Robakiewicz M., Sobczak Ł.: The influence of river training on hydrodynamics and morphological changes in open channel flow on the example of the Lower Vistula River. In: Computational modelling for the development of sustainable water-resources systems in Poland. Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences 2005, Publications of the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Water Resources E-5 (387), pp. 149-177
  3. Robakiewicz M.: Hydrodynamics in the Gulf of Gdańsk. MACHU 2009, MACHU Final Report, Nr 3, pp. 75-79
  4. Bielecka M., Tuchkovenko Y., Lloret J., Lillebø A. I., Dias J. M., Robakiewicz M., Zalewski M., Krysanova V., Chubarenko B., Stalnacke P.: The challenges to improve integrated lagoon modelling in the context of climate change. In: Coastal lagoons in Europe: integrated water resource strategies. Ed. Lillebø A. I., Stalnacke P., Gooch G. D., IWA Publishing 2015, pp. 107-114
  5. Hesse C., Bielecka M., Stefanova A., Robakiewicz M., Staroszczyk R., Zalewski M., Khokhlov V., Tuchkovenko Y., Lloret J., Lencart e Silva J. D., Dias J. M., Lillebø A. I., Chubarenko B., Krysanova V.: Impacts of potential climate change on lagoons and their catchments. In: Coastal lagoons in Europe: integrated water resource strategies. Ed. Lillebø A. I., Stalnacke P., Gooch G. D., IWA Publishing 2015, pp. 115-132
  6. Bielecka M., Robakiewicz M., Zalewski M., Khokhlov V., Tuchkovenko Y., Lloret J., Lencart e Silva J. D., Dias J. M., Lillebø A. I., Chubarenko B., Staroszczyk R.: Lagoons impact integrated scenarios: part 3. In: Coastal lagoons in Europe: integrated water resource strategies. Ed. Lillebø A. I., Stalnacke P., Gooch G. D., IWA Publishing 2015, pp. 155-166
  7. Robakiewicz M.: Rosette Diffuser for Dense Effluent—Puck Bay Case Study. In: Recent Trends in Environmental Hydraulics. Ed. Kalinowska M., Mrokowska M., Rowiński P., Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020, GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences, pp. 231-239 , DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-37105-0_20

Conference papers

  1. Bielecka-Kieloch M., Robakiewicz M.: Bacteria pollution in the Polish coastal zone. In: Proc. Conf. Water pollution II, Modelling, Measuring and Prediction. 1993, pp. 161-168 , Conf. Water pollution II, Modelling, Measuring and Prediction, 1993, Milano, Italy
  2. Gils J. van, Robakiewicz W., Robakiewicz M., Bielecka-Kieloch M.: A water quality model to support water management for the Bay of Gdańsk. In: Proc. Conf. Water pollution II, Modelling, Measuring and Prediction. 1993, pp. 191-198 , Conf. Water pollution II, Modelling, Measuring and Prediction, 1993, Milano, Italy
  3. Robakiewicz M.: Wpływ wybranych źródeł zanieczyszczeń na warunki środowiskowe Zatoki Gdańskiej. In: Budownictwo morskie a środowisko. Materiały sympozjum. Ed. Z. Pruszak, P. Wilde, Wydawnictwo IBW PAN 1994, pp. 95-102 , Krajowe Sympozjum: Budownictwo morskie a środowisko, 15-16 września 1994, Gdańsk
  4. Robakiewicz M., Walter A.: Decision support system for the Gdańsk Bay. In: Computer Modelling of Pollutant Transport in Water and Porous Media. 1995, pp. - , Course ,,Computer Modelling of Pollutant Transport in Water and Porous Media'' [Program TEMPUS], May 22-25, 1995, Łódź
  5. Robakiewicz M.: Modelowanie matematyczne a system wspomagania decyzji, Zatoka Gdańska. In: Strategia rozwoju gospodarki wodnej: referaty - tom 2. Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej 1995, pp. 391-400 , Strategia rozwoju gospodarki wodnej. Konferencja pod patronatem Ministra Ochrony Środowiska, Zasobów Naturalnych i Leśnictwa, 9-12 maja 1995, Zakopane, Kościelisko
  6. Robakiewicz M., Karelse M.: Hydrodynamics of Gdańsk Bay by 3D model. In: Proceedings 19th Conference of Baltic Oceanographers. IO PAN 1995, pp. 487-496 , 19th Conference of Baltic Oceanographers, 29 Aug. - 1 Sept. 1994, Sopot, Poland
  7. Robakiewicz M.: Modelowanie matematyczne rozpływu wód Wiślanych w Zatoce Gdańskiej. In: Ocena Odpływu Zanieczyszczeń do Morza Bałtyckiego, Materiały z Sympozjum. 1997, pp. 98-106 , Ocena Odpływu Zanieczyszczeń do Morza Bałtyckiego, 7 października 1997, Gdańsk
  8. Robakiewicz M.: Warunki hydrodynamiczne w rejonie Zatoki Gdańskiej - model matematyczny a eksperyment. In: Modelowanie ekosystemu Zatoki Gdańskiej: materiały konferencyjne. Ed. Szymelfenig M., Uniwersytet Gdański 1997, pp. 91-100 , Modelowanie ekosystemu Zatoki Gdańskiej, 3.06.1997, Gdańsk
  9. Matciak M., Nowacki J., Robakiewicz M.: Procesy hydrologiczne na przedpolu ujścia Wisły, (pomiary terenowe a modelowanie matematyczne). In: Modelowanie ekosystemu Zatoki Gdańskiej: materiały konferencyjne. Ed. Szymelfenig M., Uniwersytet Gdański 1997, pp. - , Modelowanie ekosystemu Zatoki Gdańskiej, 3.06.1997, Gdańsk
  10. Robakiewicz M.: Modelling hydrodynamic conditions in the South Baltic - TRISULA applications. In: Hydroinformatics'98: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Hydroinformatics. Volume 2. Ed. Babovic V., Larsen L. Ch., A.A. Balkema 1998, pp. 1447-1454 , Third International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Hydroinformatics`98, 24-26 August 1998, Kopenhaga
  11. Robakiewicz M.: Verification of hydrodynamic model by statistical measures - example of Gdańsk Bay. In: Proceedings of 4th International Conference Hydroinformatics 2000. CD-ROM. IAHR 2000, pp. 9-9 , 4th International Conference Hydroinformatics 2000, 23-27 July 2000,
  12. Robakiewicz M.: On modelling hydrodynamics under random forcing. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Hydroinformatics`2002. Ed. R. A. Falconer, I. D. Cluckie, B. Lin, E. L. Harris, J. P. Davis, IWA Publishing 2002, Vol. 1, pp. 259-264 , Fifth International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Hydroinformatics`2002, 1-5 July 2002, Cardiff, UK
  13. Robakiewicz M., Gąsiorowski D., Jasińska E., Kapiński J., Kolerski T., Majewski W., Ostrowski R., Skaja M., Szmytkiewicz M.: Poprawa drożności ujścia Wisły - amaliza przy wykorzystaniu modelowania matematycznego. In: XXIII Ogólnopolska Szkoła Hydrauliki, Współczesne problemy hydrauliki wód śródlądowych, Materiały Szkoły. Ed. Majewski W., Wydawnictwo IBW PAN 2003, pp. 103-108 , XXIII Ogólnopolska Szkoła Hydrauliki, Współczesne problemy hydrauliki wód śródlądowych, 8-12 września 2003, Tleń
  14. Sobczak Ł., Robakiewicz M.: Pomiary na Wiśle w ramach programu naukowo-badawczego US-Poland technology transfer. In: XXIII Ogólnopolska Szkoła Hydrauliki, Współczesne problemy hydrauliki wód śródlądowych, Materiały Szkoły. Ed. Majewski W., Wydawnictwo IBW PAN 2003, pp. 177-182 , XXIII Ogólnopolska Szkoła Hydrauliki, Współczesne problemy hydrauliki wód śródlądowych, 8-12 września 2003, Tleń
  15. Robakiewicz M.: Hydrodynamic conditions in the Gulf of Gdańsk, measurements and modelling. In: XXIV International School of Hydraulics. Hydraulic Problems in Environmental Engineering. Ed. Majewski W., Wydawnictwo IBW PAN 2004, pp. 241-248 , XXIV International School of Hydraulics: Hydraulic Problems in Environmental Engineering, September 13-17 2004, Jastrzębia Góra
  16. Sobczak Ł., Robakiewicz M.: Application of CCHE2D model for representation of hydrodynamic and fluvial processes in the Lower Vistula River. In: XXIV International School of Hydraulics. Hydraulic Problems in Environmental Engineering. Ed. Majewski W., Wydawnictwo IBW PAN 2004, pp. 257-264 , XXIV International School of Hydraulics: Hydraulic Problems in Environmental Engineering, September 13-17 2004, Jastrzębia Góra
  17. Kaczmarek L. M., Robakiewicz M., Sobczak Ł., Biegowski J.: Theoretical and experimental investigations on vertical mixing and sorting of sand in rivers and coastal zones. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on River Sedimentation. Interaction between Fluxial Systems and Hydraulic Projects and Pertinent Environmental Impacts. Ed. Chunhong Wu, Ying Tan, Tsinghua University Press 2004, pp. 1356-1363 , Ninth International Symposium on River Sedimentation; Interaction between Fluxial Systems and Hydraulic Projects and Pertinent Environmental Impacts, October 18-21 2004, Yichang, China
  18. Robakiewicz M., Biegowski J., Sobczak Ł.: Hydrodynamics and morphological changes in trained Lower Vistula River section. In: Proceedings of Abstracts and Papers (on CD-ROM) of the 6th International Conference on Hydro-Science and -Engineering. Ed. M. S. Altinakar, The University of Mississippi 2004, pp. 257-264 , 6th International Conference on Hydro-Science and -Engineering, , Brisbane, Australia
  19. Robakiewicz M.: Seasonal changes of hydrodynamics in the Gulf of Gdańsk - possibilities of representation by numerical model. In: Dynamics of coastal waters and their modelling: Proceedings of the 9th German Polish Seminar. Ed. Sündermann J., GKSS Printing Office 2005, Berichte aus dem Zentrum für Meeres- und Klimaforschung, B 49, pp. 47-59 , 9th Polish-German Seminar on Dynamics of coastal waters and their modelling, 4-6 June 2003, Ratzeburg
  20. Robakiewicz M.: Bottom changes on the Lower Vistula River in view of field observations. In: Sediment Transport in Rivers and Transitional Waters: Book of Abstracts [CD - full texts]. Ed. Majewski W., Robakiewicz M., Wydawnictwo IBW PAN 2005, pp. 83-86 , Sediment Transport in Rivers and Transitional Waters, May 18-22, 2005, Sobieszewo
  21. Gąsiorowski D., Kapiński J., Kolerski T., Ostrowski R., Robakiewicz M., Skaja M., Szmytkiewicz M.: Modernistation of the Vistula river outlet - optimisation of the jetties by modelling approach. In: Coastal Engineering 2004. Proceedings of the 29th International Conference. Ed. Smith J. M., World Scientific Publishing Company 2005, pp. 3303-3315 , 29th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, 19-24 September 2004, LEEC, Lisbon, Portugal
  22. Robakiewicz M.: Influence of local streams on quality of water in the coastal zone in Sopot. In: XXVI International School of Hydraulics: Environmental Hydraulics. Ed. Rowiński P. M., Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences 2006, Publ. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., E-6 (390), pp. 103-110 , XXVI International School of Hydraulics: Environmental Hydraulics, 19-22 September 2006, Goniądz
  23. Robakiewicz M.: Rola ostróg w regulacji rzek. Polska Akadermia Nauk, Oddział w Krakowie 2006, Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich, Nr 4/2, pp. 151-158 , IV Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa: Bliskie naturze kształtowanie dolin rzecznych, 5-7 czerwca 2006, Kraków
  24. Robakiewicz M.: Man-made discharges of water into the Gulf of Gdańsk and their influence on environment. 2008, Scientific Proceedings of Russian Geographical Society, Vol. 7, Part 1, pp. - , International Conference ''Integrated mananagement , sustainable development indicators, spatial planning and monitoring of the South-Eastern Baltic coastal regions'', March 26-30, 2008, Kaliningrad
  25. Robakiewicz M.: Characteristics of the Lower Vistula River trained by groins. In: River Flow 2008. Procceedings of the International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics. Volume 3. Ed. Altinakar M., Kokpinar M. A., Darama Y., Yeğen B., Harmancioğlu N., KUBABA Congress Department and Travel Services 2008, pp. 1837-1844 , International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics ''River Flow 2008'', September 3-5, 2008, Çeşme, Izmir, Turkey
  26. Robakiewicz M.: Spreading of brine discharged into the Puck Bay (South Baltic Sea): theoretical study versus field observations. In: 33rd Conference on Coastal Engineering. [Proceedings]. 2012, pp. 450- , 33rd International Conference on Coastal Engineering ICCE 2012, 1-6 July 2012, Santander, Spain
  27. Robakiewicz M.: Spreading of brine in the Puck Bay in view of in situ measurement. 2018, E3S Web of  Conferences, 54, pp. 29-1-29-6 , 25th Salt Water Intrusion Meeting, 17 June 2018, Gdańsk, Poland , DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20185400029


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