Instytut Budownictwa Wodnego
Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Essay #3835 details

database id3835
seriesArchives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics
issueVol. 47, No. 1-4
publisherWydawnictwo IBW PAN
attributes[published] [reviewed] [scientific] [international reach]


database id3837
titleMethods of determination of elastic moduli of particulate materials - brief review
authorsŚwidziński W.
pages27 — 50
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  1. Institute of Hydro-Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdańsk, ul. Kościerska 7, 80-953 Gdańsk, Poland
abstractsThe methods of determination of elastic moduli for particulate materials with special attention to non-cohesive soils are discussed. Various experimental techniques to isolate elastic response of tested materials are described and analysed. Some shortcomings are indicated and any inconsistencies with cIassical theory of elasticity are discussed. Attention is focused on the methods that can be applied using conventional laboratory apparatuses. In addition, some models that allow for calculation of elastic moduli are also presented.
attributes[reviewed] [scientific]
database id4435
titleSimplified mathematical model of conservative pollutant propagation in ground water stream including adsorption process
authorsAndrzej Aniszewski
pages3 — 26
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  1. Technical University of Szczecin, Chair of Water Environment Engineering, Al. Piastów 50a, 70-310 Szczecin, Poland
abstractsIn the first part of this article, a mathematical model of conservative and passive pollutant propagation in one-dimensional flow of ground water (including advection and adsorption processes) has been presented. Basing on laboratory studies of pollution concentrations on a model for measuring adsorption and adopting the numerical solution for this mathematical model, adsorption parameters k1 and n were also calculated (for non-linear function describing this process). In the second part, taking advantage of the calculated values of these parameters of adsorption, empirical relationships subjecting these adsorption parameters on both those characterising an aquiferous layer (competent diameter d10, spatial ground porosity p) and ground water flow (water level or pressure line slope of ground water) were worked out. At the same time, the values of pollutant concentration reductions as a result of adsorption both from parameters characterising ground medium (competent diameter d10, spatial ground porosity p), ground water flow (pressure line slope I) and estimated adsorption parameters (k1, n) have also been worked out. At the end of this article basing on the empirical equations for adsorption parameter values, the calculated values of pollutant concentrations have also been calculated and compared with the measured pollutant concentrations on a physical model.
attributes[reviewed] [scientific]
database id3836
titleDetermination of elastic moduli of sands from triaxial compression test
authorsŚwidziński W.
pages51 — 73
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  1. Institute of Hydro-Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdańsk, ul. Kościerska 7, 80-953 Gdańsk, Poland
abstractsIn the paper an empirical method of determination of elastic constants of non-cohesive soils on the basis of the experimental data from conventional triaxial compression tests, is proposed. The method is based on a new interpretation of triaxial tests during which samples of dry sands are subjected to several cycles of loading and unloading. The test results of all strain and stress components measured in the experiment are presented in terms of deviatoric stress versus deviatoric strain and mean effective pressure versus volumetric strain diagrams. It is assumed that after any stress reversals the material exhibits purely elastic response that obeys Hooke's linear law. Elastic moduli are determined from the first stage of unloading, which is different from the other methods commonly accepted in soil mechanics. The main advantage of the method proposed was isolating linear behaviour of the material that corresponds to elastic response and including in the analysis the lateral deformation of a sample. In the paper several examples of test results for various confining pressures and initial void ratios are presented and analysed. Comparison with other methods is made and discussed.
attributes[reviewed] [scientific]
database id4533
titleThe numerical solution for the problem of heat and mass flow in the soil heated with warm air
authorsBogusław Bożek, Sławomir Kurpaska
pages75 — 96
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  1. Faculty of Applied Mathematics, Technical University of Mining and Metallurgy, Cracow, Poland
  2. Department of Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural University, Cracow
abstractsIn this paper a difference method of solving the system of differential equations is presented for differential equations, describing the distribution of temperature and water content in the greenhouse substrate heated with a system of heating pipes. The algorithm of solving the proposed method (explicite-implicite difference scheme) is presented. In addition, the effects of temperature and water content changes obtained from the solution of proposed the model as well as the model where the thermal diffusion of mass was included were compared.
attributes[reviewed] [scientific]


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