Instytut Budownictwa Wodnego
Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Essay #7610 details

database id7610
titleVariability of hydrodynamic and lithodynamic coastal processes in the east part of the Gulf of Gdańsk
authorsOstrowski R.1, Pruszak Z.1, Skaja M.1, Szmytkiewicz M.1
pages139 — 153
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keywordssediment transport, waves, currents, deep-water wave climate
abstractsThe paper presents new findings concerning motion of water and sediment in the coastal zone of the east part of the Gulf of Gdańsk, from the Vistula River mouth at Świbno (Poland) to Cape Taran (Russia, Kaliningrad Oblast). The presented study deals with spatial variability of parameters of hydrodynamic and lithodynamic processes which have been subject to theoretical modelling. For the considered coastal segment, deep-water wave conditions reconstructed for a 44-year period have been analysed and transformed to the nearshore zone. Next, velocities of wave-driven longshore currents for the mean statistical year have been calculated, along with the longshore sediment transport rates. Regarding the net longshore sand motion, its detected direction is from Cape Taran towards the Vistula Spit. Very high annual rates of longshore sediment transport have been obtained for the coastal segment at Sambian Peninsula. These rates decrease considerably along the Vistula Spit, reaching zero at a distance of about one third of the Polish part of the Spit, measured from its root. At this location, the net longshore sediment transport (resulting from net longshore wave-current impact) reverses from westward to eastward.
attributes [reviewed] [scientific]
database id7609
seriesArchives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics
issueVol. 57, No. 2
publisherWydawnictwo IBW PAN
editorsKazimierz Szmidt


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