Instytut Budownictwa Wodnego
Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Essay #4300 details

database id4300
titleWave climate and large-scale coastal processes in terms of boundary conditions
authorsPruszak Z.1, Ostrowski R.1, Skaja M.1, Szmytkiewicz M.1
pages31 — 56
tasksZ 2.3.3/2000: Analiza wpływu zmiennego klimatu falowego na ewolucję linii brzegowej i innych form wzdłużbrzegowych
Z 2.1.1/2000: Opis prądów pochodzenia niefalowego w strefie brzegowej morza w oparciu o analizę teoretyczną i pomiary w warunkach rzeczywistych
abstractsThe present analysis, as a kind of case study, deals with the experimental research at two different coast sites of the South Baltic. The analysis of the driving forces caused by wave fields and so on, and the responses, like current circulations, sediment transport and morphological coastal changes, gave rise to the attempt of empirical description of environmental site-specific coastal features and their large-scale interactions. In the present study, the name "large-scale" refers to the processes having the longshore scale of the order of kilometres and the cross-shore scale of hundreds of metres. Time scales lie in the range from months, seasons up to a few or dozen or so years at most. The above investigations provide an insight into the specific hydro- and morphodynamical processes occurring in coastal zones of the Baltic Sea. These processes can be regarded as representative for other small seas.
attributes [reviewed] [scientific]
database id4299
seriesCoastal Engineering
issueVol. 42, nr 1
publisherWorld Scientific Publishing Company


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