Instytut Budownictwa Wodnego
Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Essay #3859 details

database id3859
seriesArchives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics
issueVol. 49, No. 2
publisherWydawnictwo IBW PAN
attributes[published] [reviewed] [scientific] [international reach]


database id3860
titleSediment grain size features versus shoreline changes in view of field investigations
authorsOstrowski R., Pruszak Z.
pages109 — 124
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  1. Institute of Hydroengineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Kościerska 7, 80-953 Gdańsk, Poland
abstractsThe paper presents the results of analyses of relationships between variability of shoreline position, grain size distributions of sediments and the wave climate at the IBW PAN Coastal Research Station in Lubiatowo. The study reports the 2 year long field investigations, which have comprised registrations of shoreline evolution, grain size parameters of nearshore sea bed and wave motion in the nearshore zone. The analysis of the experimental data provides a realistic assessment of morphodynamic processes occurring and interacting in the investigated coastal region. In the study, the following sand characteristic parameters have been considered: the median diameter d50, the representative diameters d25 and d75, the sorting parameter S0 and the skewness parameter Sk. The values of these parameters are found to correlate with the features of the coastal forms, mainly the shoreline migration.
attributes[reviewed] [scientific]
database id3861
titleEmpirical analysis of virgin compression of sand
authorsSawicki A., Świdziński W.
pages19 — 35
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  1. Institute of Hydroengineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Kościerska 7, 80-953 Gdańsk, Poland
abstractsExperimental analysis of virgin compression of sand tested in the triaxial apparatus is presented. The experiments were performed on loose and dense specimens of `Lubiatowo` sand subjected to either isotropic or anisotropic compression. Experimental results are presented in simple analytical form useful in theoretical considerations. Mean trends of the sand behaviour and deviations from these means are determined. A simple method enabling assessment of the influence of the mean and deviatoric stresses on the volumetric and deviatoric strains, as well as identification of plastic and elastic strains, is proposed. The experimental results are also presented in standard geotechnical representation from which the compressibility and swelling constants are determined. Extensive discussion on this standard representation is enclosed, and some inconsistencies in classical literature pointed out.
attributes[reviewed] [scientific]
database id3862
titleEmpirical method for studying the development of plastic strains before failure of sand
authorsSawicki A., Świdziński W.
pages3 — 17
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  1. Institute of Hydroengineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Kościerska 7, 80-953 Gdańsk, Poland
abstractsAn empirical method for studying the development of plastic strains before failure of sand is proposed. The starting point of the analysis constitutes experimental results of triaxial compression tests with local measurement of both vertical and lateral strains. The plastic strains are extracted from the total ones, assuming that the unloading is purely elastic. Experimental results are then approximated by analytical formulae which are very convenient for theoretical analyses. The results presented were obtained for specific loading paths which enable studying of the coupling between the volumetric and deviatoric effects.
attributes[reviewed] [scientific]
database id4370
titleProperties of a streamwise turbulent flow field in an open two-stage channel
authorsRowiński P. M., Czernuszenko W., Kozioł A. P., Kubrak J.
pages37 — 57
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  1. Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Księcia Janusza 64, 01-452 Warszaw, Poland
  2. Faculty of Environmental Science, Warsaw Agriculture University SGGW, ul. Nowoursynowska 166, 02-787 Warsaw, Poland
abstractsThe results of the experimental studies, aimed at the recognition of the streamwise turbulent structure in a compound channel, are reported in this paper. Three sets of measurements with electromagnetic liquid velocity meter were used: one in a smooth channel, one with the rough overbank channels and the last one with the modelled high vegetation occurring on floodplains. The analyses included vertical distributions of local mean velocities, depth-averaged mean velocities, bed shear stresses, turbulent intensities, higher order velocity moments, autocorrelation and velocity spectra. Relevant turbulent temporal and spatial scales were evaluated. All the properties were investigated with special emphasis placed on the influence of roughness on them.
attributes[reviewed] [scientific]
database id4371
titleComparison of volume- and surface-detention-time distributions
authorsJerzy M. Sawicki
pages59 — 70
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  1. Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Hydro- and Environmental Engineering, ul. G. Narutowicza 11/12, 80-952 Gdańsk, Poland
abstractsThe main process parameter for flow reactors (and in many cases also storage reservoirs) is the detention time. In technical practice the mean value of this parameter is commonly used. This version of the detention time results from the simplified plug-flow-model, which describes the real course of considered fluid-flow-phenomena only to a low degree. In order to obtain more precise characteristics of the system, one should make use of the so-called extrinsic distribution of detention time. Unfortunately, determination of such a curve for the whole reservoir (volume-detention-time) is rather expensive and time-consuming. Preceding this, a very attractive alternative is given by the surface-detention-time, which is determined for the upper layer of the liquid, close to the free surface. Investigation of the equivalence of both these possibilities is the subject of this paper.
attributes[reviewed] [scientific]
database id4372
titleApproximated boundary conditions of the equation of diffusion
authorsPiotr Zima
pages71 — 95
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  1. Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Hydro and Environmental Engineering, ul. G. Narutowicza 11/12, 80-952 Gdańsk, Poland
abstractsThe paper focuses on boundary conditions in mathematical physics equations. These equations describe the processes of pollutants' migration. The emphasis is put on the influence of boundary conditions' approximation on the solution of one-dimensional advection-dispersion equation. Analytical and numerical solutions were used as a basis for the theoretical consideration. The research included the following methods: `distant boundary' method, rejection of diffusion flux in the boundary profile, rejection of `the near field' and solution of mass or energy balance equation. The research afforded possibilities for quantitative and qualitative identification of the influence of boundary conditions' approximation methods on the equation solution inside domain. The derived formulas made it possible to estimate the margin of error introduced by the simplified method. The formulas were presented in the form of nomograms.
attributes[reviewed] [scientific]
database id4373
titleMethod of the weak point verification of elements of a water distribution system
authorsSławczo Denczew
pages99 — 107
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  1. Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów i Kanalizacji in Warsaw, pl. Starynkiewicza 5, 02-015 Warsaw
abstractsThe present article is a result of theoretical considerations made on the basis of exploitation tests conducted by the author and concerning the search for weak points in the process of the exploitation of water distribution systems. The points cause disruptions in the functioning of water supply systems and have a serious effect upon the reliability of their functioning. This is why, weak points of water distribution systems should be systematically eliminated by undertaking activities aimed at their search as a result of tests in normal utilization conditions, verification, and removal.
attributes[reviewed] [scientific]


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