Instytut Budownictwa Wodnego
Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Essay #9039 details

database id9039
titleTransport of fine sediments in marine waterbodies adjacent to river mouth: preliminary results
authorsCerkowniak G.1, Kowalewski M.2
pages255 — 275
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keywordsSPM, flocculation, sediment transport model, turbulence
abstractsTransport of fine sediments depends mainly on the efficiency of flocculation. Flocculation, un-derstood as the result of simultaneous processes of aggregation of particles and floc break-up,is a common phenomenon in marine environments. It is typical of fine sediments. This studypresents a mathematical model of fine sediment transport. A model of flocculation is an im-portant part of this model. Its main assumption is that flocculation is governed by turbulence.The model was qualitatively tested in a simplified theoretical waterbody. Such factors as thewind direction, wind speed, river discharge and concentration of suspension in the river wereinvestigated. The results show that the proposed model describes reasonably well the lithody-namic processes characteristic of fine flocculating sediments. Thus it seems possible to applyit for description of fine sediment transport under real wave–current conditions that occur inmany marine waterbodies near river mouths.
attributes [reviewed] [scientific]
database id9035
seriesArchives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics
issueVol. 65, No. 4


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