Instytut Budownictwa Wodnego
Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Essay #9091 details

database id9091
titleSimple Approach to Long-Term Morphodynamics of the River Delta Applied to the Vistula River Outlet
authorsCerkowniak G.1, Ostrowski R.1
pages5019002-1 — 5019002-
keywordsHigh-rise buildings, Symmetry, Hydrodynamics, Seas and oceans, Budgets, Shoreline protection, Sediment, Rivers and streams, Poland
abstractsThis paper deals with the evolution of the engineered mouth of the Vistula River, Poland, influencing the growth of its delta. The considered delta is a coastal form typical for semiclosed nontidal seas, like the Baltic. The delta shape, close to symmetrical, results from the significant predominance of the riverine hydrodynamics and dynamics of sediment over the respective marine processes. Two versions of the model of a simplified geometry of the delta are presented, as well as the shoreline evolution model. The models are supplemented by the analysis of the sediment budget at the river mouth. The influence of the outlet breakwaters on long-term morphodynamics of the delta is taken into account. The multidecade forecast of delta development is carried out.
attributes [reviewed] [scientific]
database id9090
seriesJournal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering
issueVol. 146, Issue 1


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