Instytut Budownictwa Wodnego
Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Essay #8565 details

database id8565
titleGeotechnical aspects of multi-use offshore platforms
authorsSawicki A.1, Kazimierowicz-Frankowska K.1
description121, [1] s.
publisherWydawnictwo IBW PAN
covercover 8565.jpg
keywordsbudownictwo morskie
signaturesII25409, II25410, II25411, II25412, II25413
abstractsMulti-use offshore platforms (MUPs) are a new challenge in geotechnical and marine engineering, as several elements of these structures, including their foundations, which are subject to complex hydrodynamic and seismic loads, require novel technical solutions. The present book deals with selected geotechnical aspects of MUPs, not sufficiently explained in other publications and guidelines. Particular attention is paid to the problem of seabed liquefaction and to the methodology of modeling marine engineering problems.
Multi-use offshore platforms (MUPs) are a new challenge in geotechnical and marine engineering, as several elements of these structures, including their foundations, which are subject to complex hydrodynamic and seismic loads, require novel technical solutions. The present book deals with selected geotechnical aspects of MUPs, not sufficiently explained in other publications and guidelines. Particular attention is paid to the problem of seabed liquefaction and to the methodology of modeling marine engineering problems.
attributes[published] [reviewed] [scientific] [international reach]


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