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Europejscy uczestnicy

Belgium   Denmark   France   Germany   Greece   Ireland   Italy   Netherlands    Poland    Portugal   Spain   Sweden   UK

Belgium National network: BENCORE

Coordinating institute: KU Leuven

Coordinator: Prof. J. Berlamont

Denmark National network: DANCORE

Coordinating institute: DHI Water and Environment

Coordinator: Dr. I. Brøker

France National network: RFRC

Coordinating institute: CETMEF

Coordinator: Dr. P. Sergent

Germany National network: GCN

Coordinating institute: GKSS

Coordinator: Dr. J. Kappenberg

Greece National network: HENCoRe

Coordinating institute: University of Thessaloniki

Coordinator: Prof. P. Prinos

Ireland National network: Coastnet

Coordinating institute: University College Cork

Coordinator: and

Italy National network: RIC

Coordinating institute: University of Bologna

Coordinator: Prof. A. Lamberti

Netherlands National network: NCK

Coordinating institute: WL Delft Hydraulics

Coordinator: Dr. S. Aarninkhof

Poland National network:INET

Coordinating institute: Institute of Hydro-engeneering of the Polish Academy of Science

Coordinator: Prof. Grzegorz Różyński

Portugal National network: PoCoast

Coordinating institute: IHRH

Coordinators: Prof. F. Taveira Pinto and Professor F. Veloso Gomes

Spain National network: HISPACOSTA

Coordinating institute: University of Cantabria

Coordinator: Prof. I. Losada

Sweden National network: SENCORA

Coordinating institute: University of Lund

Coordinator: Prof. H. Hanson

UK National network: COZONE

Coordinating institute: University of Plymouth

Coordinator:Prof. A. Chadwick

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Gateway to the European Union If you have questions on accesibility of ENCORA, contact: Grzegorz Różyński maintained by Piotr Szmytkiewicz