IBW Program Regionalny Agencja Rozwoju Unia Europejska budynek

Budowa sieci transferu wiedzy nt. kierunków i możliwości rozwoju badań
w laboratorium falowym oraz in situ przy wykorzystaniu innowacyjnej aparatury badawczej

Laboratorium Hydrauliczne wykorzystane do badań nad transportem odpadów stałych

In cooperation with the scientists from the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Dr. Łukasz Przyborowski and Dr. Anna Maria Łoboda), in April and May this year, a pilot study entitled "Experiments on macroplastic storage in rivers with spur dikes", was carried out. The guests, interested in the possibilities of the Hydraulic Laboratory, made a series of measurements together with the employees from our institute. The aim of this study was to determine how macroplastic particles behave under flow conditions through a zone with spurs with and without the presence of river vegetation. Additional elements in the form of spur extension and plant stands were built for the task.

transport osadów stałych - pomiar falowania

The measurements were carried out thanks to the agreement on research cooperation signed last year between the Institute of Geophysics PAS and the Institute of Hydro-engineering PAS, and will serve as a pilot  study for the planned joint project for the National Science Center call. The performed measurements and their future continuation promise unique results, which will contribute to better understanding of the transport of solid waste in rivers and thus, their monitoring and removal.

transport osadów stałych - swobodny dryft odpadów

Regionalny Program Operacyjny
dla Województwa Pomorskiego
na lata 2007-2013

Oś Priorytetowa:
1. Rozwój i innowacje w MŚP
1.5. Regionalna Sieć Transferu Rozwiązań Innowacyjnych
1.5.2. Wsparcie Regionalnych Procesów Proinnowacyjnych
Umowa nr:
Czas realizacji:
2 lata