Morskie Laboratorium Brzegowe

im. S. Hueckla w Lubiatowie

Instytut Budownictwa Wodnego Polskiej Akademii Nauk (IBW PAN)

Zakład Mechaniki i Inżynierii Brzegów

pl gb
Air temperature:0.0°C
Relative humidity:0%
Wind speed:0.0m/s
Wind direction (from):0°
Water level:510m
Nearshore water temp.:°C
Offshore water temp.:---°C
Significant wave height:---m
Wave energy peak period:---s
Wave energy peak direction (from):0°
Mean wave period:---s
Mean superficial flow velocity:0.00m/s
Mean superficial flow direction (to):0°
Position:0.000000 N, 0.000000 E

Wave buoy out of service.

Air temp. - blue, nearshore water temp. - red, offshore water temp. - green [°C]
Air and water temperatrue
Relative humidity [%]
Relative humidity
Wind speed (mean velocity - blue, wind gust - red) [m/s]
Wind speed and gust
Wind direction (from) - blue, wave energy peak direction (from) - red, mean superficial flow direction (to) – green [°]
Wind azimuth and wave energy peak direction and mean superficial flow direction
Water level - blue [m], mean superficial flow velocity – red [m/s]
Water level and superficial flow velocity
Significant wave height - blue, maximum wave height - red [m]
Significant wave height and maximum wave height
Wave energy peak period - blue, period of highest wave - red [s]
Wave energy peak period and period of highest wave
IBW PAN, Kościerska 7, 80-328 Gdańsk, Poland (+48) 58 522 29 00
CRS Lubiatowo, Poland (+48) 58 572 40 81 (tylko w nagłych przypadkach) [mlb-camera]