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Coastal Zone 2003

General Schedule | Organizing Committee | Partners

General info

The 6-day school - workshop will be organised at the Coastal Research Station at Lubiatowo, situated on the open beach, about 80 km north-west of Gdansk. The station operates since early 70s' where large data sets on coastal morphology and hydrodynamics have been collected so far. Top researchers from six EU and three non-EU coastal research institutions will be invited to give lectures to undergraduate and PhD Polish and European students. Techniques of coastal data acquisition will be demonstrated and on line analysis of the collected data including deep and shallow water waves, nearshore currents, beach and seabed topography, will be a vital part of the programme. In this light state-of-the-art modelling techniques of deep and shallow water waves, nearshore currents, sediment transport, coastal morphology and shore protection in various scales will be presented and discussed. The maximum number of students is 20. The school fee is 200 EURO and covers full costs of accommodation and subsistence, as well as the proceedings, field trip and other events of the school-workshop. Attendants will have to pay their travelling expenses. The selection of participants will be based on the first come, first served principle.

Those who wish to attend are requested to fill out the application form (MS WORD file).
The completed application form should be sent to one of the members of Organizing Committee

Main goals

Presentation of CRS Lubiatowo and its research potential to integrate it with similar European establishments in order to participate in the future EU research projects and smaller bilateral joint ventures including PhD studies. Discussions on potential research consortia within the FP6 framework. On this basis discussions will be held on current problems related to waves, nearshore current circulation, sediment transport, coastal morphology and shore protection.


The presentations will be published in the Workshop-Summer School Proceedings and handed in at the start of the Summer School - Workshop. The volume of each presentation will be within 20 pages.

General schedule

The Summer School - Workshop will be held from Monday 25th (arrival) to Sunday 31st August 2003 (departure). The working days will be from Tuesday to Friday, while the Saturday will be devoted to a field trip.
Tuesday 26th. Presentation of CRS Lubiatowo, demonstration of research activities carried out there and the equipment used for data acquisition.
Wednesday 27th-Friday 29th. Scientific presentations will be given at four sessions daily (two before and two after lunch). Each session, focused on the selected coastal engineering problems, will be linked with the lecture given by the representative of a country where such problems are of key importance. The lecture will be a platform for a discussion among all participants. On Friday 29th the afternoon session will be concentrated on the inclusion of CRS Lubiatowo into the future EU research projects.
Saturday 30th. All day field trip to visit the Leba Slowinski National Park, where large scale aeolian beach processes have been observed for centuries.

During the Summer School - Workshop the participants will be accommodated at a camp site in bungalows, situated several hundred meters from the CRS Lubiatowo.

Organizing Committee

Zbigniew Pruszak, Chairman Institute of Hydroengineering, Gdansk, Poland
Rafal Ostrowski Institute of Hydroengineering, Gdansk, Poland
Grzegorz Rozynski Institute of Hydroengineering, Gdansk, Poland
Marek Szmytkiewicz Institute of Hydroengineering, Gdansk, Poland
Marek Skaja Institute of Hydroengineering, Gdansk, Poland

Partners involved

A) EU Research Institutions:
Lund University (S), University of Nottingham (UK), University of Kiel (D), GKSS Geesthacht (D), University of Florence (I), Technical University of Catalunya (E), wl|Delft Hydraulics (NL);

B) Non-EU Research Institutions:
Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences-South Branch Gelendzhik (RU), University of Odessa (UA), Institute of Oceanology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Varna (BG);

C) Polish Institiutions:
Institute of Hydroengineering Polish Academy. of Sciences in Gdansk, Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences in Sopot, University of Gdansk, Gdansk University of Technology, University of Szczecin.

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