Data Analysis

prof. dr hab. Piotr Wilde

mgr inż. Michał Wilde

Includes a simplified introduction to the book: Piotr Wilde, Andrzej Kozakiewicz, Kalmana Filter Method in the Analysis of Vibrations Due to Water Waves, Advanced Series on Ocean Enfineering - Voulume 6, World Scientific 1993.

  1. Fourier Series
  2. Approximation of Functions by Series
  3. Probability Theory and Random Variables
  4. Random Sequences in Matrix Notation
  5. Stochastic Processes, Mean Square Calculus
  6. Stochastic Differential Equations
  7. Itô Differential Equation
  8. Linear Mathematical Model Without Dominant Frequency
  9. Linear Mathematical Model With Dominant Frequency
  10. Kalman Filters


The paper was supported by the State Committiee for Scientific Research in Poland within the grant 5T07A03022.

Full text of this seminary

  1. pwsem.sxw, in format
  2. pwsem.doc, in Microsoft Word 2002 format


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